A Hostage For A Hostage

 Pet? Pet?!

 Hel's heartbeat slowed to a crawl, and she turned to Bob with dilating pupils. He smiled at her, the daggers floating around him gleaming in a faint light, and all the colour drained from her face, "P—pet? No way I am your pet! I can't take this insult!"

 "Oh, I see…" Bob nodded, then turned to Leslie with the smile still on his face, "Anyway, I have not finished the process. I believe that they have taken the wolves hostages, and in our position, it is wise we get a bargaining chip of our own."

 "How do you know she'd be important enough to take as a hostage?" Freya stepped forward to question, pushing Apollo aside as she glared into Bob's back, "For all we know, they would not give a fuck about her life or death and the wolves would be screwed."