Idiot Boss? How Dare You!

 Disaster sat calmly, staring at her rook, then at the King's undefended Queen. A smile formed on her face, and her eyes lit up as she prepared to move her rook. Suddenly, her gaze caught sight of the rook far across the board, then she moved a pawn, blocking it.

 "You exposed your bishop?" the King, moved his rook and captured the piece. As soon as he had the pieces captured, Disaster moved her rook and captured his Queen. The King laughed, then lifted his King and hid it behind his Knight, "to kill my Queen, I see."

 "Not really, I exposed my bishop so you'd move your king." Disaster muttered, moving her rook to capture the knight. The king moved his piece to the side, then Disaster advanced a pawn, "I wanted to take your queen so you'd have a harder time attacking my advantage."