"Clear the hallways! Clear the damn hallways!" Yelled a doctor by a patient on a stretcher surrounded by nurses. The patient was covered in dust with their left leg looking mangled and crushed. He was one of the victims of the meteorite. Part of his face had been burnt off by molten rock from the meteor and he was clearly in gruesome pain. Grunts of anguish were occasionally blasted by him that would have easily agitated anyone without context but at that point the medical personnel were too stunned by the fact that he was still alive. More were still coming.

As they got closer and closer to the emergency room, his open wounds began to heal at an alarming rate. He gripped the railing of the stretcher and crushed it, from that dripped molten metal.

"What the...?" Asked the emergency doctor staring at the anomaly before him. A bit of the the molten metal dripped on one of the nurses who screamed and shoved the stretcher causing it to trip on the feet of one of the other nurses feet which ejected it off the ground and almost flipped it but still granting it enough force to throw the patient off of it. The two nurses were holding their feet in pain while the rest tried running to the patients aid. The doctor turned to the nurse that had been burnt om her foot.

The man fell to his side and for a moment was quiet, the nurses reached him and surrounded him worried about his welfare. He then coughed so violently he shoot his whole body, then did again and again before he used his right hand to try and help himself up. The nurse on his right placing his arm on his shoulder to slightly expose his face when he turned to him. His eyes were dripping red lava!

It was a horrific scene but before the nurse could react the man coughed a spurt of lava at her face melting the flesh and bone off of it. All that was left of her, was a cross sectional visual of her insides with her brain cooking inside. Her body then proceeded to fall onto the ground with a thud as her roasted brain matter poured out.

The nurse on his other side began screaming as she backed up slamming her back onto the wall behind her a bit violently. The lava spitter turned to her and violently blasted a jet of lava though her head and chest leaving a U-shaped valley through her upper body, then jet was so powerful it burnt through the wall behind her and killed a patient in the room on the other side. And at that point, all hell broke loose.

Everyone was screaming, running away from him while he constantly blasted lava at them. The doctor took off leaving the burnt nurse behind who was tripping over trying to catch her footing tk evade but to no avail, she was slides in half with lava. For the most part, it was unclear as to why even with these new found abilities, one would behave in such a manner, regardless it was mayhem by his hands.

In mere moments, the floor was covered by smoking courpses and solidifying lava, he had painted it all in red and orange. A couple of people made it out and in a few minutes the authorities had arrived, at first that being the police. This individual walked out of the building to find police cars having surrounded the hospital. By then, he had burnt his clothes off and his mouth was a mess of molten rock like a child drooling.

"Stand down and put your hands in the air!" Demanded one of the officers with a sound projector. The officers had barricaded the perimeter with their cars and guarded themselves with the doors. Most of them had their guns drawn out and aimed at him.

"Is he...bleeding?" Asked one of the officers squinting his eyes as he stared at the man unsure of what he was looking at. This was his perception of the lava on the assailant's chest, as lava would be the last thing you'd see on a living man.

The man then gestured like someone who was about go puke but nothing came out, all he did was grip his stomach and stare at the ground. Smoke rising from both sides of his mouth up, it was dark, most probably toxic.

"I repeat, put your hands in the air!" He Yelled again as if the weapon in question fired from his hands, in fact they were safest with him as he was, but not for long. He slowly rose his head up, once again, lava slowly rolling down his cheeks from his eyes. Clearly it freaked everyone out because all they did was stare in owe and disgust as the lava dripped ontobthe ground fusing with the pavement.

In a spur of a moment, he blasted a powerful jet of lava at them, puking violently so much so the stream was almost straight with no curvature in its trajectory. The pressure was so strong that it not only cut through the cars it was pushing them back while it melted the officers hiding behind them for cover.

"Fire!" Yelled the one with the sound projector at his remaining comrades who emptied their clips at the man. Their bullets were however useless, upon hitting him they bounced off and fell to the ground as deformed hot pieces of metal. But what would one expect, you would need a very durable vessel to withstand the intense heat of lava.

They stood no chance, in mere seconds their cars were up in flames, explosions upon explosions as each one was cut through by the stream of lava. However, the fight had just began as soon enough, two helicopters arrived at the scene to handle this case.

Their hope was at least an aerial approach would be safer, they thought wrong. The man blasted a stream with so much force it easily rose to twenty metres above the ground and landed on one of the pilots of one of the helicopters sending spiraling down and crushing before blowing up, he then repeated the same thing for the second helicopter but they acted first and fast. Before the lava attack could reach them, they dropped a tank of liquid nitrogen that collided with the attack freezing it in place and nearly reaching his face. It formed a pillar of solid rock that fell to the side shattering into crystalline fragments.

Realising this strategy was working, they dropped more tanks in sequence while a second man shot at them just before they hit the ground near this lava man. The tanks then exploded releasing the nitrogen which froze his legs in place. More and more tanks followed, all shot and exploding until he was completely frozen in place.

After a while, they could hardly see him but lava was no longer being spat at them. There was a sort of mist rising from the area so they circled down to land and investigate. As it cleared up, it exposed the man standing there frozen in place with a frozen peak of lava stretching out of his mouth, they had done it.

"Get the clean up crew and someone to pick him up, we're lucky this worked but who knows for how long he'll stay frozen," said the gent that had dropped the tanks on him. They were dressed in black heavily armed and guarded sophisticated suits with the abbreviation D.A.I.C.

Back in NakaTech, Yui had been rushed to the health department in an attempt to save her life. Arrya and some medical practitioners privately owned by the company as its doctors and health personnel by her as she grunted and breathed heavily. Her eyes staring at them as tears rolled down the sides of her head. The whole time Arrya could hardly hold herself back from vomiting but she held it in for her beloved slave owner.

Finally, they reached the emergency room, Arrya was left out as she was not a medical personnel, that and everyone could tell it was too much for her to handle. So many thoughts were running through her mind, she was scared out of it. It was insane just how much Yui, however much she bullied her, still mattered to Arrya. Seeing her idol suffer through such was gut wrenching, she did not want to even consider the fact that maybe fate had come to collect and Yui may have just been paying her dews.

At that point she remembered Jordan, and suddenly, she felt even worse. Jordan who much was she was not close to her mother and even went as far as disliking her, still very much loved her, after all, she was her mother. She had no choice, be it biological coercion or potentially positive conditioning, she still cared for her spawn point.

After a couple of minutes trying to reach Jordan, she finally did, " Jordan?! Your mother!" Blabbered Arrya barely able to gather her words. She was staring at

the guards keeping her company outside the room.

"Arrya! I saw on the news she destroyed the meteor, is she okay?" Asked Jordan in a concerned voice anticipating the worst from Arrya's tone.

"She got her suit," said Arrya.

"Wait what? What do you mean by her suit? Is she alive?" Asked Jordan.

"Yes, so far she's alive, she's in the emergency room at NakaTech main industry, please come be with her," said Arrya in a pleading tone.

"Alright! I'm on my way!" Said Jordan who then ended the call and turned to the machine standing behind her. Remembering that one of her mother's suits had just attacked her, she did not think it would a good idea to try an use one for travel. Awkwardly, she side stepped away from it, the machine just stood there motionless as if uninterested by her actions completely, then again, why would it be. It had done its assigned task. Once out of the room, she asked out of the penthouse and boarded kne of the cars within the compound, started the engine and drove off.

The doctors in the emergency room where Yui was in fact the subject patient, had decided the room was at that point for surgery. Her vitals seemed relatively and surprisingly stable, her bleeding had stopped and she, aside from the pain seemed to be holding up fine. They covered her open nasal cavity with a ventilator mask that pumped a sedative gas for her to breath in. Gradually, she slowly began to quite down, her heart rate decreasing as her grunts reduced in frequency and volume. Eventually, she fell sleep.

The doctors stared down at the metal casing on her limbs and body, by their understanding, they had no option but to amputate it all. The issue was it seemed as if the fragments were still functioning as part of the suit, like it was still on even after digging into her. That was not a good sign, who knows what chemicals such alloys were seeping into her, not to mention potential electrocution.

In a quick montage,they dressed up in the required attire for surgery and had all the necessary tools brought for the occasion. One of the doctors picked up an electric surgery saw, it was especially made to easily slice through flesh and bone. Slowly, he descended towards the skin exposed areas but before the blade touched her, her right arm gripped his neck causing him to dropped the saw down to the floor. He gripped her arm wondering how the he'll any of that was happening, she was still unconscious from the looks of things, her eyes were still closed. The others backed up scared at the fiasco. He croaked in pain as her grip on him was like steel bars on his neck.

"Splurt," She squeezed through his neck with her fingers completely decapitating him, his head fell to the ground. Yui's body then proceeded to get off her bed and mutilate the remaining doctors while Arrya stood outside. Too afraid to do anything. The guards who were with her initially jumped in and faced a similar fate, none even had the opportunity to use their rifles to protect themselves,they were murdered swiftly but painfully. It seems the machine in her had a mind of its own and was by its understanding either protecting her or itself.

The machine then electrocuted her back to consciousness and presented her to its artwork. Chunks of flesh from her "assailants", she just stared at it all, one could barely tell what was going through her mind but, he had so much to take in anyway, her plate was more than full.

The door to the space outside leading to Arrya opened presenting her in scarlet red to her utterly shaken intern. She was truly grotesque, once again almost too much for Arrya to handle. Most of her face burnt off leaving a mere skull covered with a fusion of skin and thin flesh, her nose was gone leaving behind a whole leading to her nasal cavity. Her body covered with a bloody patients gown. One step sounded like metals clashing while the other just like any other footstep.

"Miss me?" She asked Arrya who stared back in horror.