The Great Xia Kingdom

The Great Xia Kingdom was vast, divided into seven provinces, each with its own martial academy.

These academies were not only responsible for overseeing their regions but also for recruiting and cultivating the best talents.

Lingyun Martial Academy was the dream of every martial artist in the Lingyun Province.

However, the academy's assessments were very difficult, accepting only one from a thousand applicants.

Chen Yunhong had failed the last assessment due to an accident, a failure that still stung. And now, Ryu had the audacity to bring it up in public.

"Ryu," Chen Yunhong called out, "even if I failed the assessment, I'm still far better than you, who's been stuck at the second stage of Body Tempering for three years!"

He straightened up, his voice ringing with self-righteousness.

"The opportunity to enter Lingyun Martial Academy is far too precious.

For the sake of our family's future, it should go to the most promising young disciple. But I'm not unreasonable.

If you can defeat me, I'll hand over the academy's token willingly."

Ryu's lips curled into a faint smile, his eyes never leaving Chen Yunhong's.

"You talk big, but we'll see if you can back it up."

Before Chen Yunhong could respond, Ryu turned to face Chen Qianhe.

"Elder, what's your decision?"

Chen Qianhe frowned slightly, a hint of unease creeping into his thoughts. But he quickly dismissed it.

"The opportunity to enter Lingyun Martial Academy should indeed go to the most promising junior in the Chen family."

In his mind, there was no doubt that Chen Yunhong was the most promising. The idea that Ryu, the so-called waste, could pose any real threat was laughable.

Ryu nodded, the smirk never leaving his face. "The Elder's wisdom is admirable. In that case…"

He turned back to Chen Yunhong and, with a casual wave of his hand, beckoned him forward.

"Chen Yunhong, step up and fight me!"

"Did I hear that right? Ryu actually challenged Chen Yunhong!"

"Chen Yunhong reached the fifth level of Body Tempering three months ago.

This so-called 'waste' Ryu, who's barely at the second level, thinks he can take him on?"

"This is madness! Ryu must have lost his mind to go looking for death like this!"

The murmurs of the crowd only grew louder as they processed what was happening.

Chen Yunhong, still processing Ryu's unexpected challenge, finally regained his composure.

He couldn't believe that the family's most notorious failure was standing before him, boldly demanding a fight.

"You really want to fight me?" Chen Yunhong asked, his voice filled with ridicule.

Last night, he had easily pummeled Ryu into the ground, leaving him a broken mess. Now, here he was, acting as if he stood a chance.

Ryu's cold smile didn't waver. "Stop talking and fight, Chen Yunhong. My things aren't yours for the taking, you lowly thief!"

The insult hit its mark, and Chen Yunhong's face twisted with fury.

"You worthless piece of waste! You dare to speak to me like that? Fine, if you want to die so badly, I'll grant your wish!"

With a roar of anger, Chen Yunhong launched himself at Ryu, his fist aimed straight at Ryu's head.

The force behind the punch was undeniable, and many in the crowd winced in anticipation of the brutal result that was sure to follow.

But Ryu, unfazed, activated his movement technique. In a blur of motion, he sidestepped the attack, easily avoiding Chen Yunhong's fist.

"I... I can't believe it. Did that waste just dodge the punch?"

The disbelief was palpable as the crowd watched in stunned silence, unable to process what they had just seen.

Chen Yunhong, too, was caught off guard, his punch meeting nothing but empty air.

His shock quickly turned to anger, though he tried to rationalize what had happened.

'It must've been a fluke,' he thought. 'There's no way this waste could actually dodge me.'

But before he could launch another attack, Ryu's voice, filled with mockery, reached his ears. "Is this all? Your punch is slow, like a snail. No wonder Lingyun Martial Academy rejected you."

The taunt struck a nerve.

With another furious shout, he gathered all his strength and attacked again, his fist hurtling toward Ryu like a bolt of lightning.

This time, Ryu didn't dodge. He stood his ground, calmly raising his hand to meet the incoming blow.

With a casual wave of his palm, he intercepted Chen Yunhong's punch, stopping it.

"The speed's not bad," Ryu commented lightly, "but your strength is pathetic. And you called me a waste? If I'm a waste, then what does that make you?"

The words hit Chen Yunhong like a slap in the face.

His disbelief turned to panic as he stared at Ryu, who was not only matching him but was actually analyzing his attacks as if he were the expert.

"Y-You… this… this can't be happening!" Chen Yunhong stammered, his voice shaking with shock.

For Chen Yunhong, who had always prided himself on his talent, being bested by the one person everyone in the family considered worthless was a bitter pill to swallow.

But Ryu wasn't done. He met Chen Yunhong's stunned gaze with a cold, mocking smile.

"You're not even as good as the waste you mock. What makes you think you deserve a place at Lingyun Martial Academy?"

Seething with anger, Chen Yunhong roared, "I'll make you regret those words! Eat this Tiger Roar Fist!"