The Young Master is a Retard

Ryu couldn't help but smile. The feeling had been exhilarating, like using a cheat while seeing everyone else waste their effort grinding slowly to gain the same result.

Ryu had opened the pill furnace and removed a perfectly formed, thumb-sized Body Tempering Pill. He turned to the student, holding up the pill for everyone to see.

The other students had been just as shocked, their expressions a mix of awe, envy, and disbelief.

"He really did it... he actually made a Body Tempering Pill!"

"Unbelievable! Even experienced alchemists struggle with this, and he just did it like it was nothing!"

"Ryu, how did you know that adding two pieces of Chantan Grass would stabilize everything?" Su Lingxiang had asked.

Her beautiful eyes had still been wide, and she had looked at Ryu with disbelief.

"It was just intuition. When the heat isn't enough, the medicinal power needs to be balanced. That's a principle passed down by the alchemists of old. The breeze earlier disrupted the temperature, so I compensated by adding more medicinal power."

'His intuition is unbelievable,' Su Lingxiang had thought.

When alchemists encountered issues during the refining process, correcting those issues, especially under pressure, had been incredibly difficult. Even seasoned alchemists like Su Lingxiang had struggled with it. Yet, here was Ryu, who had perfectly adjusted the process on what he claimed had been just intuition.

If what he had said was true, then Ryu had not just been talented—he had been a prodigy, a rare genius in the art of alchemy.

"Ryu, you truly have a rare gift for alchemy," Su Lingxiang had said, her eyes shining with admiration.

"Have you considered focusing more on alchemy? I can introduce you to my teacher, Yan Qingxuan. He's one of the most respected alchemists in Genius Martial Academy and the entire Great Xia Kingdom. He could take you on as his personal disciple."

The moment Su Lingxiang made this offer, the entire room was stunned into silence.

Yan Qingxuan had been a legendary figure, a sixth-rank alchemist whose reputation stretched across the kingdom. To be taken in as his disciple would have been a dream come true for any aspiring alchemist. The opportunity had been one in a million, something most alchemists could only wish for.

But to everyone's shock, Ryu had smiled and politely declined.

"I appreciate your offer, Teacher Song, but I'm more focused on achieving my goals in martial arts. Alchemy is just a hobby for me."

Su Lingxiang had been momentarily speechless. "You... you refused?"

Ryu nodded, maintaining his calm demeanor.

"Yes, Teacher Su. My main focus is on martial arts. While I have a talent for alchemy, I don't intend to make it my life's work."

Su Lingxiang had been clearly taken aback by Ryu's decision.

"But Ryu, you have such incredible talent in alchemy! It would be a shame not to develop it fully. 

You could achieve so much—become a master that others look up to. Are you sure you want to pass up this chance?"

Ryu had appreciated her concern but had already made up his mind.

What was an alchemist master? In this kind of world, strength was everything.

With the system in his hand, he could reach the peak and even unite the continent.

Why would he want to be a pill cook for other cultivators?

"I'm sure, Teacher Song," Ryu had said with a slight bow. "Thank you for the offer, but my path lies elsewhere."

The atmosphere had turned silent, and every student was looking at Ryu with judging glares, thinking he had been crazy for turning down such an opportunity.

But Ryu hadn't cared about them; they were just extra characters. He had been more curious as to why Song Qing had said that.

Song Qing's expression had grown serious as she had looked directly at him.

"I'm not refusing to practice alchemy, Teacher Song Qing," Ryu had said calmly.

"I just don't want to limit myself to being only an alchemist. I still want to pursue martial arts as well."

"There have been many geniuses with ambitions like yours," she had said firmly.

"They had thought they could master everything—alchemy, martial arts, and more—but in the end, they had spread themselves too thin. 

They had failed to reach their full potential in any area. I don't want that to happen to you."

Ryu nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Teacher Song Qing, for your advice. But I truly believe I can find success in martial arts as well."

"You really are stubborn," she sighed, throwing her hands up. "Fine, I'll take care of your promotion to the talented class. But mark my words, Ryu—don't waste your potential!"

Song Qing then left the room, upset with Ryu's actions. She had hoped to guide him more, but unfortunately, he won't budge.

With Song Qing's exit, Ryu had also left the class. To his surprise, someone had been waiting for him.

"Ling Yang," Ryu had called out, his voice cold, "You never learned."

Inside, he had been thinking, 'In the past, I had thought this kind of young master didn't exist, but to think they are real here. Just how spoiled they had been to act like this.

Doesn't even know Mt. Tai, even after being crushed a few times. Retard!'

Ling Yang had sneered, his face dark with anger.

"So what? I already left the class; I am now just standing in front of you."