The audition(1)

but it didn't take long for Mingwa to feel a pair of eyes burning into her. Seo Harin, sitting elegantly in a corner, was glaring at her, the annoyance clear on her face.

Mingwa barely had time to settle before Harin sauntered over, heels clicking sharply on the floor. "Mingwa," she greeted coolly, her lips curling into a smirk. "I didn't realize this audition was open to just anyone."

Mingwa's brow lifted, but she kept her composure. "Harin," she responded calmly, not rising to the bait.

Harin crossed her arms, her gaze flicking over Mingwa's casual outfit, before returning to her face with a sneer. "This is supposed to be an exclusive audition. How exactly did you get in here?"

Before Mingwa could respond, a few other actors nearby started to murmur among themselves, casting glances her way. The hushed whispers grew louder, and it was clear they were questioning the same thing. It was obvious that Harin's words had sparked something.