Once the sleek black car pulled up, the three of them climbed in, the engine purring softly as they headed toward the cemetery. Taewoo remained silent, his eyes fixed on the passing city lights, his mind elsewhere. Bum, seated next to him, kept glancing at his boss, sensing the shift in mood.

When they arrived at the cemetery, the wrought iron gates creaked as they swung open, revealing a path lined with ancient stone graves. The car rolled to a stop, and the three men stepped out, the cold breeze biting at their skin.

They walked in silence, the only sound being the crunch of gravel under their feet as they made their way deeper into the cemetery, toward the grave of Moon Jinho—Taewoo's father.

Taewoo stopped in front of the headstone, his face unreadable. The name "Moon Jinho" was etched into the stone, a reminder of the man he despised more than anything in this world.