Chapter 27: Five Elders


Shirakawa Isle had transformed from the barren wasteland it once was. Now, green trees flourished across the landscape, and two rivers cut through the land, bringing life to the island. This was all made possible thanks to the natural barrier of the northern mountain range, which allowed Kaido to manipulate the terrain and water flow.The island itself was divided into various districts and sectors. The central and northern districts were restricted, accessible only to Kaido's inner circle and Beast Pirates. This ensured that outsiders, even visiting pirates, couldn't gain easy access to Kaido's true stronghold.

Kaido and his crew resided in the western district, where the west bay held a large seaport. This was where Kaido's flagship and the other ships of the Beast Pirates were stationed.

The eastern district was the largest, and it was divided into three important sections:Port: The arrival and departure point for goods and people coming to the island. Warehouse: A heavily guarded area where the raw materials, rare metals, and other supplies were stored. Market: A bustling area where pirates, merchants, and underground brokers conducted trade, with Kaido's forces overseeing all transactions.

In a dimly lit command room within the central district, two of Kaido's officers discussed recent operations. "Did Cipher Pol stop harassing our steel manufacturing plant?" one asked, frustration lining his voice.

"No," the other grunted, "they keep coming like insects. But it's nothing we can't handle for now."

Meanwhile, Kaido, along with Queen and Dr. Mordok, had revolutionized the island's energy infrastructure. Using technology based on electric generators, they had developed a power source that relied on a fuel similar to Franky's cola—fossil fuels extracted from the ocean. Additionally, waterwheels placed along the rivers provided sustainable energy for daily use of consumption which enables electricity to whole Island.

Kaido grinned, contemplating the industrial future of Shirakawa Isle. "when we started the manufacturing plant, I spread words about us in underground world to, bring us iron ore or scrap metal, and we'll turn it into iron rods, pipes, nails, or screws. At first, those in the black market thought it was a trick. They thought we'd steal their materials."

He chuckled to himself, recalling how skeptical the underworld brokers had been. But once the first few deals went through successfully, the word spread. "It's more expensive than traditional forges, yes, but the quality is unmatched. Consistent, reliable. Now, we even have exclusive deals with certain kingdoms in exchange for discounted rates."

His grin faded into a scowl as he turned to the Beast Pirates' security detail. "Your team should work harder. Cipher Pol and the Navy won't stop coming. I want them crushed before they become a real problem."

Onigashima – Secret FacilityDeep beneath Onigashima's skull fortress,

Kaido stood before a row of glowing machines, his eyes fixed on the vials containing the latest batch of enhancement drugs. Dr. Mordok approached, nodding with satisfaction."These body-enhancing drugs will accelerate recovery and push endurance beyond normal limits,"

Mordok said, pride evident in his voice.Kaido barely glanced at him, his thoughts elsewhere. "This is only the beginning," he rumbled. "Power alone won't awaken my Devil Fruit. My mind and body must be tempered, forged in battle and training."

Mordok raised an eyebrow. "Are you talking about move like life return of navy, you plan to create a technique to force that evolution?"

Kaido grunted. "A special move that combines my human strength and dragon form, pushing both to their peak. When it's complete, my power will be unmatched."Turning away, Kaido's eyes gleamed with determination. "The world will see the true strength of the Asure dragon."


The Holy Land Mary Geoise - Room of Authority

Within the hallowed halls of Pangaea Castle, the Five Elders, the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons and rulers of the World Government, sat around a grand table in the Room of Authority. They were discussing troubling news that had reached their ears—news that disturbed the balance of power they maintained over the world."Kaido's steel manufacturing has caused smaller steel-producing nations like the Goa Kingdom to feel threatened," remarked Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, the Minister of Finance. His voice was grave as he continued, "Though his prices are high, the capacity of his plant rivals even the larger nations."

The Minister of Science and Defense, Jaygarcia Saturn, waved a dismissive hand. "Hmph, what does a weak nation like the Goa Kingdom have to do with us?"

"It's not about the Goa Kingdom," Nusjuro replied sharply, "It's about the fact that Kaido is becoming stronger. His rise in power poses a threat to the balance of the world. I want to propose a vote for the destruction of Kaido's facilities."

Saturn leaned back in his chair, considering. "He's gaining influence, yes, but right now our priority should be finding Roger and stopping him before he reaches the final island."

The room was quiet for a moment, the weight of their decision hanging heavy in the air."Agreed," said the Minister of Agriculture, his voice low but firm. "We deal with Kaido after we catch Roger."

One by one, the Elders nodded in agreement."I agree," came the slow, deliberate voice of the Minister of Justice. His gaze remained fixed on the map in front of him, where Kaido's territory, Shirakawa Isle, was marked. "We'll destroy his facility after dealing with Roger."

The final elder, Topman Warcury, who handled Environment and Energy, spoke last. "I don't see much harm in Kaido wasting his time on steel and factories for now… but I agree, he'll need to be dealt with."

With that, the decision was made. Kaido's island would eventually be targeted, but for now, all efforts were focused on Roger, whose movements threatened to shake the very foundations of the world.