Chapter 29: Gecko Moria

The battlefield fell silent as the dust settled. Kaido looked down at Harlock, impressed by the swordsman's resolve but satisfied with his victory. He had pushed his Haki to new levels, exploring the depths of internal destruction and iron-cutting mastery.

But even in his victory, Kaido's thoughts lingered on something more. He was not just fighting for power or domination. This was another step in his journey to evolve.

Despite the loyalty of Harlock's soldiers, they were no match for Kaido's might and his crew's relentless attacks.

With Harlock defeated, the island's defenses crumbled. The message was clear: the era of the Ceres Kingdom's control over this island was over.

After Harlock's defeat, Kaido met with Garthor face-to-face.

"You've seen what I can do," Kaido said. "But I didn't come here to destroy your industry—I came here to improve it. I'll keep my deal. You remain in control, and I'll offer you more resources than the Ceres Kingdom ever did. Plus, anyone who flies my flag won't need to worry about protection."

Garthor looked Kaido in the eye, weighing the consequences. The deal was more than fair, especially after witnessing the fall of Commander Harlock. Reluctantly, he nodded."You have a deal."

Among the shipwrights, one stood out—Kuro, a young prodigy whose innovations were already making waves in the local industry. Kaido took notice of the boy's ambition and intelligence."Kuro," Kaido said one day after observing his work, "I could use someone with your talents. Join my crew, and you'll have the resources to build anything you dream of. You'll be part of something greater than just this island."

Kuro hesitated, but the opportunity was too tempting to pass up. He accepted, becoming a crucial member of Kaido's crew.

With the island under his control, Kaido quickly set the shipyards into motion. Using the local iron and materials, the shipwrights began producing top-quality ships with better steel and more efficient designs. The island's shipbuilding industry thrived under Kaido's rule, and soon word spread across the New World about the quality of these ships.

But Kaido had more ambitious plans for a select few. In the quietest part of the island, Kaido discreetly recruited the smartest and most ambitious shipwrights for a secret project.

He brought in his trusted scientists, led by Queen and Dr. Mordok, to start laying the groundwork for something revolutionary—ships with advanced engines.

While the rest of the island focused on traditional shipbuilding, this hidden team would work on the next phase of Kaido's vision.

"Think about it," Kaido said to the small group. "Ships that don't rely on the wind. powered by engines that never stop. You help me build these, and you'll be more than shipwrights—you'll be pioneers."

The scientists and shipwrights were eager to get started, seeing the potential for fame and fortune. They began experimenting with prototypes, drawing on Kaido's vast resources to make their dream a reality.

As Kaido's control of the island solidified, rumors spread across the seas. Pirates, merchants, and government agents all took notice of his growing influence in the shipbuilding world.

"Kaido's taken over one of the best shipbuilding islands in the New World," a pirate muttered in a tavern. "They say though his ships are not better than water 7, but his ships are more comfortable and design is more easy to handle because of better equipment ."

"It's not just that," a broker added. "He's got something secret going on there. Word is, he's working on some kind of ship that's move without winds. If that's true, it could change the whole industry."

Even in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, the Five Elders discussed Kaido's latest move.

"This won't destroy the world," Jaygarcia Saturn, Minister of Science and Defense, said. "But it could change the balance of power in the seas. Engine-powered ships… Kaido's onto something."

"For now, we focus on Roger," another Elder said. "But we'll need to keep an eye on this. Kaido's ambitions are growing, and it's not just about piracy anymore."

"We shouldn't have agreed to let Kaido into vegapunk lab to use him as experiment, we should just have him come to prison"

While the world speculated, Kaido's secret project moved forward in silence, with only the select few knowing the true extent of his plans.

Kaido's hold on the island strengthened daily, with the shipyards running and his secret team making progress on their groundbreaking designs. Little did the world know, Kaido wasn't just building ships—he was building the future of naval warfare.


On Shirakawa Island, once a barren wasteland, Kaido had reshaped it into a thriving hub for agriculture and manufacturing. Sitting in the central building of the island's heart, Kaido reflected on his progress. Shirakawa had grown strong, supporting crops and industry, while his newly-conquered shipbuilding island, which he had named Harborforge Island , was flourishing as a center for mining and transport.

"Every project is time-consuming," Kaido thought to himself. His mind wandered to his next goal—mastering Conqueror's Haki. "If I can cover my entire body with it, then my strength will truly be unmatched."

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, a guard burst into the room, out of breath and wide-eyed. "Captain Kaido! Pirate Hero Gecko Moria has declared war on us!"

Kaido, unfazed, leaned back in his chair. "What's the big deal?" he said calmly. "Ever since Roger declared the existence of the One Piece, pirates are going to come at us from all sides. It's inevitable. Send King and Jack to handle it."

Gecko Moria, known as the Pirate Hero, had earned his title through his journey from the West Blue to the New World. He had defeated every pirate crew he faced but never harmed a civilian. His victories made him a legend among the people, who revered him as a hero for ridding their islands of villainy. Wherever he went, the islands called him their savior, a protector against the scourge of piracy.

Kaido smirked. "A pirate called a hero? Let's see if he lives up to the title."