Chapter 5: Interviewer Qingque, Reporting for Duty

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Early morning at the Divination Commission's library:

"Aiya, stealing leisure from life's fleeting hours~"

A petite and adorable girl clad in azure robes set down her idle book, stretched lazily, then hugged her dedicated slacker pillow tight. It was now her regular time for slacking off, and she planned to catch a quick nap.

Qingque, the diviner and librarian of the Divination Commission, had two main interests: slacking off and playing cards.

Due to incessantly shirking responsibilities, she was on the verge of being demoted—yet again—to become the "Leader of the Carefree Faction."

Don't misunderstand; this leadership role wasn't what it seemed. In essence, the primary duty of the Leader under Qingque would be guarding the entrance gate.

However, this suited Qingque perfectly. With the heavy workload at the Divination Commission, finding a relaxed position that allowed ample opportunities to slack off was no easy task.

Just as Qingque began dozing off, a familiar voice startled her awake from behind.

"Qingque, get up quickly—it's time to work! This venerable one has an important task for you!"

Fu Xuan's face wore a stern expression, her icy voice resonating like a chilling death knell, sending chills through Qingque akin to falling into an ice cellar.

With stiff movements, Qingque turned her neck, scratching her head and forcing a sheepish smile. "Grand Diviner, what brings you here?"

Oh no, oh no! It's been mere days since I was caught slacking off by the Grand Diviner—how did she catch me again so soon?

Worse still, Fu Xuan seemed genuinely furious this time.

Panicking, Qingque's eyes darted about before settling on a plan.

"Grand Diviner, please let me explain," Qingque began hastily. "There's actually a reason why I'm here—"

Fu Xuan stood tall, arms crossed over her chest, gazing sternly at Qingque with an expression full of authority.

"Hmph, spare me the excuses." She paused, then continued firmly, "Listen carefully, upon someone's recommendation, a new recruit will shortly arrive to join the Divination Commission."

"You are tasked with conducting their interview. If any mistakes occur, this venerable one will settle both old and new accounts together."

Qingque stroked her smooth chin thoughtfully.

Something isn't right. I'm just a humble storekeeper. The responsibility for entry examinations has always fallen to my colleagues; it never reaches me.

Yet the Grand Diviner specifically instructs me to handle this interview—is there some deeper meaning behind this?

Fu Xuan snorted lightly, "Hmph, don't read too much into it."

"This venerable one has never met the candidate, nor implied that you should lower the admission standards for him."

"The diviner who recommended him also conducted previous interviews, but to avoid any bias, I've dispatched him on a mission to Yaoqing."

"However, Qingque, you have indeed been rather lax lately."

"The tasks I assign to you serve not only as tests for him but also for yourself, understand?"

In Fu Xuan's view, Qingque's talent and abilities far surpassed those of most individuals. Among the three diviners at the Divination Commission, none matched her potential.

Yet, Qingque was excessively lazy.

How could someone be so adept at slacking off?

To foster Qingque's growth, Fu Xuan had no choice but to invest extra effort, frequently finding work for her to keep busy.

Qingque picked up the plate of milk candy dumplings from the table, her expression ingratiating.

"Grand Diviner, please calm down, calm down..."

Fu Xuan slightly parted her lips, delicately picking up a milk candy dumpling with slender ivory fingers and placing it in her mouth. Only then did her furrowed brows relax.

"Qingque, it's rare for new recruits to join the Divination Commission."

"This venerable one has reviewed his resume; he appears quite capable."

"Do not display your penchant for idleness in front of newcomers, nor should you lead them astray."

"And if I discover any deliberate attempts to corrupt the new recruit, you should be aware of the consequences, right?"

"Uh..." Qingque hesitated.

"Mr. Su Jinyan, I've reviewed your resume." Qingque carefully perused the document submitted by Su Jinyan and softly spoke, "Given your exceptional abilities and how well you align with our Divination Commission's recruitment criteria across various aspects..."

"Furthermore, as this is an internal recommendation, you can begin your employment this afternoon."

"However, before starting, there are some simple questions I need to ask for an assessment."

"The entire evaluation will be conducted under polygraph testing. Do you accept?"

Su Jinyan hesitated, "Miss Qingque, it's just the two of us here now. Is it really necessary to go through these pointless procedures?"

Qingque chuckled, "Well, you might call it useless, but it does serve a purpose."

"But then again, its usefulness seems rather limited."

"You see, human hearts are the most unpredictable."

"They change over time, and none of us can guarantee if someone with exemplary character will maintain that virtue indefinitely."

"All we can do is..."

With a thoughtful expression, Su Jinyan interjected, "Prevent potential issues before they arise, am I right?"

"We must screen out unsuitable candidates right from the start during recruitment."

"As expected of the Divination Commission, truly stringent standards."

Fortunately, Qingque, the interviewer assigned to me, was also an insider among the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus.

As long as Qingque is willing to cover for me, I'm confident I can pass this assessment smoothly.

"Alright then, let's not waste any more time and get straight to it." Qingque pointed at the jade divination tablet on her desk. "Do you see this jade divination tablet?"

"It's our specialized polygraph device. Whenever it detects a lie, it will sound an alarm. To test its accuracy, why don't you try saying some falsehoods first?"

Su Jinyan, with a coarse voice, exclaimed, "Baaah ha ha! I am a little loli."

Qingque raised an eyebrow.

Beeep— The polygraph emitted a low warning tone.

"Not bad," Qingque remarked.

Feeling embarrassed, Su Jinyan declared, "The Grand Diviner is my wife."

Another puzzled look from Qingque.


With seriousness, Su Jinyan stated, "I am the husband of the Grand Diviner."

Once again, confusion crossed Qingque's face.


Qingque slammed her hand on the table, rising abruptly. "What difference does it make between those two?! Seriously!"

"Just kidding," Su Jinyan responded. "In truth, I don't even know the Grand Diviner."


Su Jinyan shrugged. "Alright then, I know her; she doesn't know me."

"Long, long ago, I had the good fortune to meet her esteemed self at the Exalting Sanctum."

Qingque, intrigued, asked, "What was your impression of her?"

Su Jinyan raised his thumb enthusiastically. "Adorable! So adorable, it made me want to be Grand Diviner's pet dog."

Qingque looked stunned. "Wow, that's quite bold of you."

"But Mr., I have a question: "Why does your personality not align with your name at all?"

Fists clenched, Su Jinyan's blood boiled with passion. "Speak my mind and act on my words—that is my creed!"

Qingque, momentarily speechless, managed, "U-uh... okay..."

"Now, let's officially begin the assessment. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," Su Jinyan replied calmly.

The polygraph remained silent.

Qingque glanced at him, utterly perplexed. "Eh, is the jade divination tablet malfunctioning?" she wondered aloud. "Didn't your resume state you're 20 this year?"

Su Jinyan cleared his throat, flashing a pure, innocent smile. "I never said it referred to age."

Qingque's cheeks flushed slightly, as if realizing something. She subtly shot him a glare.

"Cough, let's skip this question, move along, move along."

"Next question: Are you originally from Xianzhou Luofu or an outsider?"

"An outsider."

"When did you settle in Luofu?"

Su Jinyan perked up. "One year ago, I officially obtained permanent residency in Luofu."

"Don't judge me by my past; now, I'm a bona fide old-timer of Luofu."

"I love Xianzhou, I love Luofu—Luofu's cuisine is simply delicious, unlike those on other planets! Luofu is truly breathtaking!"

"Heh, guess what? Us seasoned locals have always savored these flavors—they're so authentic and delightful..."

"Hold on, hold on, calm down for a moment." Qingque rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. How had their conversation suddenly spiraled out of control?

"Why did you come to Xianzhou Luofu, sir?"

"I heard there are many beautiful fox spirit maidens here. I wanted to find one for a lasting romance."

"But so far, I haven't found anyone suitable as my dating partner."

"Hmm, seeking a lovely encounter with a fox spirit maiden? With your appearance, finding someone shouldn't be a concern," Qingque remarked.

"Thanks for the kind words. Perhaps it's because my standards are quite high."

"Yes, lowering them slightly might not be a bad idea."

"Sigh, indeed, wanting to date multiple fox spirit maidens simultaneously isn't easy. Maybe I should lower my expectations further."

"You'll never find anyone at this rate!" Qingque exclaimed, gasping for breath.

Not good, why does conversing with this gentleman feel so exhausting?

It seemed like years of pent-up sarcasm were about to be depleted today.

Qingque took a sip of tea, attempting to compose herself.

"You're drinking tea?"


"What kind of tea was it?"

"Immortal's Delight."

"Was it good?"

"...Yes, quite good."

"Where did you buy it?"

"...From Marquis of Nevernight."

"And where is the Marquis of Nevernight located?"

"...Central Starskiff Haven at Starsea."

"The owner—male or female? What's their name? When did you purchase it? How much per cup? Do they offer discounts for regulars?"

Qingque slammed her hand on the table in frustration. "Are you conducting an interrogation here? Who's supposed to be interviewing whom?"

Su Jinyan raised his hands in surrender. "Calm down, calm down! I just wanted to lighten the mood."

Qingque couldn't help but suspect that she must have slacked off too often, prompting the Grand Diviner to send this tormentor after her.

"Sir, may I ask if you believe in the Arrow of Fate?"

"If not, please state your faith instead."

Su Jinyan seemed puzzled. "Hmm, does this question really need asking?"

"Miss Qingque, surely you know by now that my belief isn't in the Arrow of Fate—"

Curiosity flickered in Qingque's eyes. "Oh? Then what do you believe in...?"

Su Jinyan's gaze grew resolute. "I forever believe in the Compassionate Medicine King."

Qingque blinked, momentarily taken aback.

Mystery solved! So, you're a lackey of Abundance all along. No wonder you seemed so eccentric!