Everybody in the scene had a flabbergasted expression, including Sage and Robert who were now looking with widely opened eyes.

The hell is this!

Murmuring sounds covered the premises.

"What did that guy just do?"

"That burly man had no chance!"

"What was that? Is that Orenda energy, I have never experienced one up close before. This guy is a true martial artist"

Ezra couldn't help but raise his head to look at Tate when Tate performed a mega skill.

The ten people surrounding Ezra's face darkened.

"What have you done? Do you know whose bodyguard you have just stopped!"

"How dare cross the line, bastard! Do you have any idea on who you are messing with right now!"

One of the men pointed at Ezra.

"You are messing with the young master of the Logan family, Ezra Logan!"