Tate straightened up on his spot. He purposely attacked Roy at exactly one minute so he could deceive his future opponents. The truth was he could attack anytime, he could keep running in circles provided he had Orenda energy.

He could help but smile when Sebastian fell for his trick, well Sebastian tried.

The spectators couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"This had better not be the end."

"This match has better not be over. I didn't see Tate Jagger defeating Sebastian Carson in the first round, and he did so effortlessly. Sebastian didn't even get to throw a single punch."

The second spectator finally woke up from his shock state.

"If you were to tell me yesterday that Tate Jagger wouldn't put on a special grade uniform in this match and would knock out Sebastian Carson in the first round, I would've probably say you hit your head on a rock. Come on, This is insane."