Angry Mom 2

Cherry just nodded and wanted to take another step forward when he said.

"But you never rode a bike, you don't know how to, and you told me you were scared of it remember?"

"I don't remember telling….." Cherry stopped. She was Any at the moment.

"What did you say?" Carlos asked again

"I just decide to try it today… is anything bad in trying something new?"

"No no but.."

"I have to rest now Carlos I have had a busy day," Cherry had to bring in that bossy side to dismiss the conversation as she was already sensing he was going to ask more, and what if he asked where she went, how would she be able to respond?

Cherry stepped into her room with Carlos gaze still staying on her before she vanished and he left for his main business there and that was getting the cash.

He took the cash and went outside.

He stretched his hands to the woman, with the cash in his hands.

The woman's eyes widened on disbelief.