The Set 7

Cherry felt torn; she didn't want to comply with their request, but she also wanted to play it cool.

The last thing she wanted was to come off like the nerd she'd been bullied as, in high school.

If it weren't for the fact that she was carrying someone else's identity, she might have considered revealing herself.

"What if I just tell you my name? I mean, I'm not sure you really want to see what's behind this mask; I'm not as beautiful as my cooking," she said with a fake laugh. "So, umm, my name is Cherry! Cherry Rubio! Are you all satisfied now?" she called out, her voice ringing loud enough for everyone to hear.


"No!" they chorused back.

"We want to see your damn face!"

As Cherry's eyes scanned the crowd, she noticed two men in the middle, gearing up for an arm-wrestling match. A spark of inspiration hit her.