Aslan Icilandias, the 26-year-old merman prince of the underwater kingdom Glacialis, has always been stoic, ambitious, and wary of humans. His life beneath the waves is marked by an intense desire for power and a deep-seated distrust of the human world. But when fate intervenes, Aslan finds himself ensnared in a fishing net, leading to a chance encounter with a human who will change his life forever.
Roman Pierce, a 21-year-old with a carefree spirit and a heart full of optimism, lives by the ocean. His easygoing nature and genuine kindness stand in stark contrast to Aslan's guarded demeanor. When he discovers the trapped merman, Roman's compassion and curiosity draw him into a whirlwind romance with Aslan, challenging the prince's long-held prejudices and opening his heart to a love he never imagined.
As their relationship deepens, Aslan and Roman face the complexities of blending their disparate worlds and beliefs. The stakes rise even higher with the arrival of a new life, as Aslan becomes pregnant, adding both joy and unforeseen challenges to their journey. The couple must navigate the emotional and practical hurdles of impending parenthood while overcoming societal expectations and personal fears.