Zhang Xuan said, "Lady Yu, why would you say that? If I'm not Lian Huo, then who is? Could it be that in searching for the Crimson Frond, Lady Yu didn't just send me but others as well?"
"Lian Huo was promoted by me personally, his talent is well known to me. Most importantly, having followed me for many years, he knows the rules and would not ask such questions!"
Yu Qingyu sneered, "You must be from Yunshan Hall, right? Possessing the Thousand Threads of Heavenly Mandate, indeed not simple..."
Before she finished speaking, the young woman extended her hand and made a chopping motion. Seeing that it was a feint, Zhang Xuan took a half step back, and Yu Qingyu took the opportunity to snatch the Mo Dao from his hand.
Her wrist flicked, and the saber light flowed like a river, enveloping Zhang Xuan.
Seeing her make a move, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows rose, just about to counterattack, he realized something and stopped.