
Day keep passing by for mu xin, early morning shu hua will wake him up, and he will be practicing his flowing palm technique until noon, he will eat dinner and sleep while being hug by shu hua, he spends day like that for a week.

On this day mu xin practicing his flowing palm technique on a rock, his qi and body move in harmony, his body become a river that guide the flow of his qi, when his palm hit the rock, his qi surge as if another path just appears, his qi rush to the rock from his palm but there's no explosion as if nothing happen then he gives it a punch cracking the rock, what coming out is a pile of sand.

He goes to another rock but this time he didn't take the form he's just standing casually and hit the rock with his palm then another punch to the rock cracking it and again another pile of dust coming out of the crack.

(The more qi i use to activate this palm technique the more powerful it gets, I'm very familiar with this technique now)

His face show an excited joy from the result of his hard work, he starts walking at the riverside where shu hua sitting on the rock while dipping her feet in the water.

"Sister hua i think I'm ready to fight with wild beast"

Mu xin said happily as he sits beside her, shu hua look at mu xin and answer with her smile.

"If mu xin want to fight with wild beast sister will help but if mu xin purpose is to gain battle experience, then you shouldn't use that palm technique"

Mu xin shock in place and ask back worriedly.

"But why? If i didn't use it then i would have practiced it for nothing then"

Shu hua explain patiently and slowly.

"That palm technique is too strong, if you use it then all wild beast in this forest will just die as long you hit them once, if that happen then you won't gain any experience, it is better to treat that technique as a trump card to catch your opponent off guard or use it in desperate situation"

Mu xin listen and start pondering.

(Uuuuh she right if i just one shot everything then there's no point, but can i do it? With just my physical strength alone?)

Mu xin show a worried expression, shu hua laugh looking at him.

"You don't have to be worried so much, you refine your body two time on the other hand most people only refine their body once, you have a greater physical strength than most people in the same realm of cultivation, moreover you can keep being afraid like this, you have to overcome your fear eventually, you cant avoid this"

(Well she right, let's just do it, don't think about consequence)

His expression show resolution.

"Alright sister hua i won't use the palm technique, can you help me find some wild beast"

Shu hua smile, happy with mu xin courage despite still so young.

"Then let's go"

Shu hua turn into ball of light and went into the bracelet.

Mu xin jump to the other side of the river with a single jump crossing the distance of almost ten meters, after he lands he starts walking forward without hesitation, fifteen minute after that shu hua voice can be heard in his head.

'Mu xin, your old enemy is coming'

(Old enemy?)

From his right side a boar is charging at him from a distance, this boar is the same size as the wild beast boar that mu xin killed but if that boar is brown skin then this one is black, and it has two horns on its head.

(I seem much stronger that the previous one, but i have to fight this one with my body alone, let's try to stop its charging)

Mu xin got in a stance by bending both of his leg a little and both of his hand is raised just at his chest height on both side of his body.

He looks intently at the boar, when the boar just one meter from him, he immediately charges ahead and grab both of it tusk.


The collision from both of them cause a small explosion in their surrounding pushing away the leaf on the ground, mu xin being pushed back an inch, but he manages to stop the boar in its track.

The boar trying to pull back its tusk as it look at mu xin angrily but mu xin didn't let go and firmly grasp it.

Mu xin look at the boar desperately trying to free himself from his grasp, and he gives the boar a big smile.

He starts lifting the boar from the ground above his head and slam it on its back causing a crack appear on the ground, the boar scream but trying to get back on its feet, mu xin didn't give it a chance, he step forward and punch its eye with everything he has, the boar scream again while some blood come out of it, mu xin move to its side, he grab its front leg and twist it in different direction breaking it, the boar scream even harder and trying to bite mu xin but he step back, the boar take the chance to stand up with one of its front leg limp, mu xin jump at its body and clamp both of his hand together and slam it at its back with everything he has breaking its backbone, the boar fell down with no sign of life.

Mu xin is breathing nervously looking at the boar but there's no movement from it, so he moves to it and kick it but still no respond.

"Huh finally died, that took some effort but without its charging attack it's not much of a threat huh"

Mu xin smile happily winning with his bare hand.

'It's fine to be happy, but another one is coming because of the commotion mu xin'


A rustling sound is coming from the tree behind mu xin, he turns back and see a white monkey with slender body and as tall as mu xin, it has a sharp claw and its red eye is filled with malice, its observing mu xin from the branch of the tree.

"Ist it a bit to quick, and its new opponent"

He lightly complains.