Lazarus Deal

Drake POV:

The next few days, I spent more time watching my son. Observing him. His energy was different from anything I had sensed before. Even as a newborn, there was a calmness about him, a sense of harmony between the light and dark that I had never felt in myself. And every time I felt the darkness inside me stir, threatening to take over, I thought of Elias.

He was my hope, my guide in this battle. But I couldn't deny the fear that gnawed at me. What if I couldn't find that balance? What if the darkness eventually consumed me? Would I still be able to protect my family, or would I become the very thing they needed protection from?

Those thoughts kept me up at night, and even though Leslie tried to reassure me, I could see the worry in her eyes too. She knew how close I had come to losing myself. She had felt it through the bond. And now, with Lazarus's offer on the table, the stakes were even higher.