Chapter 101: Abby

Dad stormed down the hallway and slammed into the office. Abby looked at the closed door and back at Officer Morland. "Fun times?" she asked dryly.

He grimaced. "Even for your dad, he's been on one," he said. He pulled off his cap and ran his fingers through his hair, looking like he'd rather be anywhere on earth than right there in that moment. "Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you all day."

He dropped his voice and moved closer to the front desk. "I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, or that you ought to do something different. I just thought I'd let you know that the word went around the office today that your police cruiser was at Wyatt Miller's place all night last night."

A part of her knew that was coming. He wouldn't have come close and talked quietly and stared down at the ground as he did so, if he was informing her that a commendation was coming down the pike.