Chapter 125: Declan

He slammed his hand down on the steering wheel with a curse word that would have his mother spinning in her grave. "Dammit, Declan, you have to be better than that. Smarter than that." He snorted at his choice of words. "Of course, if you were smart, we wouldn't be in this predicament, would we?"

He felt a little ridiculous talking to himself out loud like this, but the last time he'd opened up to another person about this...

Well, she'd died. And if that wasn't a sign from God about keeping his big mouth shut, he didn't know what was.

"All these years, and you've managed to keep Iris in the dark about just how stupid you are," he said out loud. Because dammit all, he had no one else to talk to. He needed to get a dog like Maggie Mae, so he could at least feel less ridiculous talking out loud. "Don't go ruining it now. No woman as smart and funny and beautiful as Iris McLain would date a dumb-as-dirt cowboy like you if she knew the truth."