The warm summer sun beat down on his head and shoulders, and he wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. Damn, even up here in the mountains of Idaho, summers got a little warm to be standing around in direct sunlight.
"Dawson," Tommy said, "look at this one! It's got spots!" He pointed at a paint horse that was contentedly chewing on a mouthful of hay, completely ignoring Tommy's yelling.
That was good, at least. Most horses didn't appreciate the kind of noise Tommy seemed to love to make.
Dawson ambled over and they admired and petted the horse, while Tommy told Dawson all about how he wanted to ride horses all the time, but he only got to when Adam had time for it and Adam didn't very often and he'd told his mom that having a horse would help out around the farm but she never seemed to believe him and he didn't understand why, because of course having horses could only help and -