Chapter 188: Chloe

Chloe pulled up to Adam's farmhouse, unable to wipe the happy grin off her face. She felt...amazing. On top of the world. Better than ever.

She felt...whole.

She knocked on the front door out of politeness but then let herself in with a, "Hello!" This being Adam's mother's house, it had that certain grandma feel to it – lace and watercolors and porcelain cats abounding. Her house "fit" Adam much better, but Chloe sent up a silent thanks to the heavens that Adam was taking care of his mother and needed someone to stay in his house. She didn't know how she would've survived if she'd had to pay full rent on top of everything else.

"Mom!" Tommy cried, rounding the corner. He launched himself at her and she scooped him up into her arms, nuzzling his hair as she did so. Since he'd gotten older, he didn't let her hug him as much, but apparently, staying the night with Adam knocked down his "I'm a big boy" philosophy just a smidge.