Chapter 214: Kylie

Well, that went about as awful as she thought it would go.

Actually, scratch that. It went way worse than she'd thought it would. After Tiffany at the bakery last night and then Adam this morning, she'd had about all she could stand of judgmental Sawyerites. There was a reason she'd moved to Oregon to get her associate's degree, dammit. She had wanted to be far, far away from this town and its small-mindedness, but then, when the shit hit the fan, where did she go running back to?



The phone rang, and Kylie cleared her throat hurriedly and then answered as cheerfully as she could. "Whitaker's Vet Clinic, this is Kylie speaking," she said, working extra hard to add a pleasant lilt to her voice. Just because she was having a shitty,, month...well anyway, it didn't mean she should take it out on the rest of the world.