Chapter 227: Kylie

Adam's question caught her off-guard, her maple-glazed bundle of goodness halfway to her mouth. Her eyes shot up to his. "What?" she sputtered. "Who says that there's anything wrong with going to their wedding?"

He cocked an eyebrow at her as they walked. "I'm not gonna pretend that I've known you forever and thus can read you like a book," he said bluntly, "only because I've only really known you for about two months now. I don't count that time you listened to my'You can be a vet!' presentation in the fifth grade. But, I will say that I can read you like a book because every thought you've ever had flashes across your face like you're telegraphing it to the world. If you want to become sneakier about your thoughts, you're gonna have to learn how to play poker'cause right now, you suck ass."

Kylie laughed at that one. "Has anyone ever told you that you should start being more blunt?" she asked dryly. "I'd hate for you to be holding back on my account."