Chapter 247: Hannah

Amidst the hustle and bustle of an overflowing Muffin Man, yet another meeting of the Early Spinster's Club came to order.

Which mostly just meant Hannah was picking at her healthy fruit-and-nut muffin, trying valiantly to convince herself that it tasted just as good as a donut would, while Michelle ate a chocolate-glazed donut with little sighs of ecstasy.

Hannah glared at her friend, which, of course, just made Michelle up the volume on her groans of pleasure to orgasmic levels.

Why do I like her again?

Before Hannah could decide if her choice of friends meant she was masochistic or not, Carla caught her eye. Bright blue eyes sparkling, she was bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly, which, to be honest, wasn't exactly earth-shattering news. Excitable and friendly to all, she was the most genuinely happy person Hannah had ever met. She'd chosen the store name of "Happy Petals" on purpose, after all, and never did a store name fit its owner better than that one did.