Chapter 253: Elijah

Another week, another dollar. Except today wasn't just another day at work. Today was when he had to go into Hannah's classroom and sweep and mop and empty her garbages and pretend like nothing – nothing at all – had happened over the weekend.

That they were just friends, and nothing more.

Because he'd had the past two days to think it all through, and to realize that he didn't deserve anything more than "just friends." She was smart. She spoke proper, she had a degree in teaching, and she knew more in her little pinky than he did in his whole body, about pert near everything.

Not only was she good at school, she even taught school. They'd never put him in charge of teaching anyone, unless it was on how to run a gas station at night, or how to mop floors, or how to knock up your girlfriend when you didn't mean to.

Like that was something the men of the world needed help with.