Chapter 281: Carla

Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate. The most pure.

This kiss left them all behind.

~Grandfather in The Princess Bride

After arguing – and losing – that she should be the one to empty out the picnic basket and spread the goodies out on the ground, Carla leaned back on her hands, legs crossed in front of her, and watched Christian with a happy sigh. She could get used to having someone else take care of her.

"Did you hear the latest about the Roberts' mansion?" she asked lazily, turning her face up to the warmth of the sun.

"No, what's happening with it now?"

He was nearing the bottom, where she had the cheesecake stashed away for dessert. She had no idea what food he liked to eat, so the whole meal had been a giant stab in the dark, with a heavy emphasis on "giant." She'd packed food for an army, figuring that if she offered enough variety, she was bound to bring at least a few items that Christian liked to eat.