You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
~Inigo in The Princess Bride
With an economy of movement, Carla pulled the two bouquets out of the display case, quickly rearranging the other flowers to help fill in the gap, and then carried the wilting flowers to the back. For the millionth time, she wished she could figure out what to do with old flowers. Simply throwing them away seemed so wasteful. This was the part of the job she'd hated since high school when she'd worked at the flower shop in Franklin, and then at Boise State University when she'd worked at the Toadstool.
Unfortunately, it was one part of the florist industry she had yet to solve.
She heard the front doorbell tinkle, and hurried back out front, wiping her hands dry on a towel slung over her shoulder.