The people in the room in the building in Westminster, watched the war on what looked to be a flat screen television. But instead of being powered by electricity, it was powered by magic.
Emerald had conjured it up with her cane and now they watched avidly as the demons rushed through London, heading all the way to Ireland.
“They’re idiots.” Zahra snorted, and Emerald nodded in disgusted agreement.
“Can’t they tell that their targets are right here, in the country?” Hayley asked, her voice so shrill with annoyance that Kingston winced at the high-pitched tone.
“We can’t interfere,” Emerald said sternly, “We set them on their way already. We’ve lent our power to them already.
Let them figure it out. Besides, just because they’re going in the wrong direction, does not mean that it will slow them down.”