Rain, a 16-year-old orphan, moves to the suburbs of Chicago to live with her aunt after a happy life in New York is shattered by an “accident.” At first, things are peaceful with Aunt Sheryl and Uncle Mark, but her cousins, 17-year-old Dixie and 15-year-old Tricia resent her for reasons Rain can't understand. Life becomes a daily struggle as Rain battles her cousins, sinks into depression, and longs for the carefree life she once had. One day, while cleaning a spare room for a visiting relative, Rain discovers a mysterious book hidden in a box. The book has golden metal edges and a lock, hinting at secrets within. Inside, she finds a key and a pen. Initially, Rain uses the book as a diary, but soon she begins to write a novel about a fantasy version of her life, the way she wishes it could have been. Writing becomes her escape, a way to cope with her struggles.
What Rain doesn’t know is that somewhere across the world, a teenager named Hailey begins living the very life Rain has been writing in her book. As Rain pours her heart and imagination into her writing, the lines between fiction and reality blur, setting off a chain of events that will forever alter both her life and that of Hailey's.
As the author, I’m my biggest fan lol. I feel the book is good so far and I’m excited to see what’s next, please leave more reviews it wil go a long way🙏🏻