shopping with his housemate

"Damn this" Leonard cursed and sat down holding a depressed look. He rubbed his palms together and looked up to see hazel staring at him.

"It's fine." His tone a bit low. He stood up and walked upstairs to his room. He sat on his bed and carried the laptop that was lying there and placed it on his laps. He opened his business website and scrolled slowly. His company's name was already the top 8 most famous information firm on the internet. He gave a smile as he'd just confirmed what Dom had said. He put the laptop aside and slept on his back.

His thought slowly drifted to hazel and he soon began to wonder what both of them must have discussed. After much thoughts, he decided he'd force the words out of hazel mouth. He stood up almost immediately and walked downstairs hastily. He paused for a while to get a hold of her location; she was currently watching a movie and was unaware of his presence. He proceeded to join her and placed his arm around the sofa. She gave him a slight stare before fixing her gaze back at the movie.

"What did you two discuss?" He asked in a formal tone and she looked at him for a while before looking away. He threw a look of curiosity at her while she pretended not to notice.

"You're going to have to speak someday!..." He was already getting frustrated but she didn't budge. He soon got disappointed and left.

Hazel watched as he furiously walked away. She watched until he'd gone fully upstairs before smiling. She relaxed back to continue watching the movie. In just a few days of being on earth, she'd found a few notes to jot down. Though, she was still unsure of why her core hasn't been healed even after lots of cultivation.

Miss Wonder had come earlier to threaten her. She made mention of how Leonard was the man betrothed to her and how she didn't wish to share him with any other girl. Hazel actually found that impossible to believe seeing the way he acted anytime he saw her. She also said something about an information about an escapee which hazel didn't find important to her.

She sighed and stood up. She walked to the refrigerator and opened it. She brought out a snack and started eating immediately. Since her arrival on earth, she'd found out that she was addicted to eating and she was scared of gaining weight and losing her incredible fighting style. She'd also planned that she'd use the afternoon to hone her skills since Leonard wasn't home but the arrival of miss Wonder was just another reason to postpone it.

She was about to take the last bite when Leonard walked downstairs wearing a black suit. She stared at him with utmost curiosity while he walked towards her.

"I can't have you wearing all my hoodies everyday." He said and she looked down at the hoodie she was wearing.

"Follow me." He said and walked away almost immediately. To Hazel, this felt like a command and at first she didn't want to tag along but she really needed clothes so she followed.

As hazel walked slowly pushing the trolley while looking left and right for good clothes. She looked back at intervals to confirm if he was still behind her. After an hour of shopping, both of them slowly walked back to the cashier's desk to make the payment.

"If it isn't Leonard, the youngest successful CEO in all of New York." A masculine voice said from behind them. They both turned back and Leonard didn't seem to pleased with who was behind them.

While hazel watched the two boys strike dangerous gazes, she noticed something unusual in the boutique but didn't picture it as something dangerous so she shrugged it.

"It's been a while Leo, don't you think it's high time we chatted over dinner." He said and gave a slightly dangerous smile.

"Seeing how happy you are, he must have promised you something big if you managed to bring me over." Leonard said and gave a disappointed yawn.

"Tell him, I don't care about his existence anymore. It'd only be better if we stayed separately." Leonard said In a rather cold tone and made to turn.

"The young really grew." He teased and chuckled slightly.

"Don't get too carried away by fame and money, like the old saying says; pride goes before a fall." He said and turned back almost immediately.

"By the way, that's a pretty lady you got with you. Don't you think he'd be mad if he found out?." He struck Leonard a dangerous side glance and walked away almost immediately while Leonard bit his lips hard trying his best to contain the anger brewing within him.

Leonard completed the payment while hazel carried the bags. While they walked towards the car, hazel could tell they were being watched but when she scanned around, there were no suspicious movements.

"I would've punched him in the face." Leonard said as he relaxed back while hazel entered the car. She put the bags on her laps and shut the door.

"If you could at least tell me your name, that'd be a lot better." He said and started the car while she looked away.

She was filled with anxiety and fear as she was unsure of whether her suspicions were right or it was just a jinx. The car soon began to move and her gaze caught something right before it disappeared. She gasped and Leonard noticed.

"What?" He asked but she still didn't move. She kept looking at that place. He placed his hands on hers to get her attention and she slowly pushed it off while maintaining her gaze. Leonard gave a cocky smile and sped off.

When they got home. Hazel quickly went to the bathroom to shower. While she bathed, the image from earlier kept replaying in her head. It was just for a split second so she assumed it was just her imagination since she was already expecting to see something fishy. But each time she tried to shrug it off, the scenery kept replaying. She slowly moved her hair backwards while the water dropped on her smooth skin.

Teleportation. Only high level gods could attain that feat which meant it was either one of the high lords or her younger brother, Oliver. But the only way to get to the human realm was by being sent there by the high lords. To get permission to come to the earth meant he'd been persuaded by Lloyd. Knowing Oliver, he'd never willingly agree to anything anyone asked him except her.

She soon left the bathroom and walked into her room to change into one of the clothes she'd just bought.