In the year 1867, London is entangled in a web of power and political intrigue. Aldric Seraphis, a government official with hidden ambitions, faces threats from Lord Percival Blackwood, a ruthless political rival. As Aldric dispatches the Circle of Aegis exploration team to Borneo to secure an ancient artifact, the situation deepens and becomes increasingly mysterious.
While Aldric struggles to maintain the balance of power in London, his team in Borneo confronts challenges from Dutch forces and divided local tribes. With threats coming from all directions, Aldric must employ all his skills to protect the mission and his position while uncovering buried secrets and conspiracies that threaten their future.
In this novel, political intrigue, thriller tension, and profound mystery intertwine, creating a tale full of strategy, betrayal, and startling discoveries.
Aku harus mendukung diriku sendiri, hahaha