Illegitimate Status



~Ivan's POV~

I couldn't focus on dinner. Anger burned through me, making my hands shake. I could barely hold it in, struggling to believe what was happening or to make sense of it all.

How could this have happened? Zara—my Zara—married to Snow? It made no sense. It was impossible. I stabbed at the roasted turkey, shoving a big cut into my mouth, barely tasting it.

As dinner dragged on, I watched Snow and Zara from across the table. I didn't bother hiding my stare. She looked composed, almost defiant, sitting beside him like she belonged by his side. 

Snow leaned in occasionally, whispering something that made her lips twitch with amusement. My blood boiled in my veins. She was mine. Only I had the right to do that to her.

Thankfully, dinner ended after the dreadful minutes that followed.

When Snow's father called him inside, I saw my chance. Snow excused himself and followed his father, leaving Zara alone at the table where she barely exchanged light remarks with the other members of the family. 

No one sided with me when Alpha Storm was present. The only one who would have was my father and grandmother. 

Being the firstborn son, Snow had no choice but to accord my father that respect and his illegitimate status wouldn't have changed that either. 

Alpha Storm, my grandfather had sired my father before his marriage to his Luna who had in turn birthed two girls before the Moon Goddess finally bestowed her with an heir, Snow.

Unable to keep his mistress and Luna in the same place out of respect for his Luna, my grandmother was given a mansion far from the pack house in the city.

Unfortunately, neither of them graced the dinner. I waited, counting the seconds and thinking of the way I could approach Zara. When I mustered the courage and stood, the door opened and Snow returned.

I gritted. I'd lost another golden opportunity. Snow and Zara said a few quick goodbyes before they took their leave.

I didn't waste another moment. The second they were out of sight, I pushed back my chair and rushed down the hallway, straight to my grandfather's room. I knocked once and then burst inside, not waiting for an answer.

"Grandfather!" I shouted, breathless with anger. "How could you let this happen?"

Alpha Storm didn't even look up at first. He continued to read through some papers on his desk as if I weren't even there. Finally, he glanced up, his gaze was sharp, freezing me in place.

"What are you talking about, Ivan?" His voice was calm despite my outburst but there was an edge to it, a warning I chose to ignore.

"Zara!" I blurted out, my frustration spilling over. "She was supposed to be mine. Snow stole her from me, right under your nose, and you did nothing. You know she was my fiancée!"

Alpha Storm's lips twitched slightly, not quite a smile. "Was your fiancée," he corrected, his tone cool. "Seems you lost that right the moment you decided to entertain yourself with another."

I flinched. "But—"

"But nothing, Ivan," he interrupted, his voice growing harder. "How many times did I warn you? How many chances did I give you to stop your philandering to behave like a proper Gamma?"

My throat felt dry. I couldn't utter any words of defence. 

"You were engaged, yet you were more interested in chasing skirts than in maintaining a solid union."

I shook my head, refusing to accept his words. "But Zara loves me! She was upset, sure, but she would've come around if Snow hadn't swooped in and manipulated her!"

Alpha Storm's eyes darkened. "Love? You think she loves you after what you did? You embarrassed her and humiliated her in front of everyone with your affair with her cousin. What did you expect her to do, Ivan?"

I felt my face heat up. "I made a mistake! I'm willing to make it right. She belongs with me, not with him. Snow—he's just using her to get back at me!"

I watched my grandfather lean back in his chair with an unreadable expression. "Snow doesn't need to get back at you, Ivan. You're doing a fine job of destroying yourself."

I gritted my teeth. My anger had already past its breaking point and I didn't care. "I know he's your son but are you just going to let him take what's mine? I am your grandson too or is it because my father is an illegitimate child?" 

I noticed the change in his gaze. I should have stopped then but my wolf wasn't letting me rest. Autumn was angry. He had a right to be. We were both wronged.

My brows furrowed deeply as I shot the last straw that broke the camel's back. "What kind of Alpha are you?"

The room grew colder as Storm's expression turned icy. "Know your place, Ivan!" I finched, the warning was clear in his tone. "You forget your place. Snow is my son, and he is your Alpha."

I threw all reason and respect to the wind, rechallenging him. "And me? Am I just another inconvenience?!"

"Considering your reckless behaviour, you're fortunate to still be on your feet. Remember, your place in this pack is not guaranteed. Challenge Snow and you'll face consequences you're not prepared for."

I swallowed hard. Alpha Storm's words had cut deep. I knew he was right, but the frustration—anger—wouldn't leave. "You're letting him get away with this!" I nearly shouted.

Hurt flashed in my eyes at his favouritism. My grandfather's face softened, just a fraction. 

"Ivan, listen to me carefully. If Zara wanted you, she would've stayed. She chose Snow. Now, you either accept that or you find yourself a new place to sulk. But you will not disrupt my house or challenge my son without cause."

I opened my mouth to argue, but the look in his eyes told me there was no point. My grandfather's words were absolute. Alpha Storm had spoken. 

My stomach twisted in knots, anger mixing with a deep, gnawing sense of defeat. I turned on my heel and stormed out, feeling his gaze burning into my back.

As I left, one thing was clear in my head and I was glad Autumn agreed with me. 'This isn't over. Not by a long shot. Snow might have her now, but he wouldn't keep her. You know him. He gets bored easily. Zara wouldn't last.'

'Definitely. Not if I have anything to say about it.'