Two Can Play At This Game



~Zara's POV~

A shrill ringtone pierced through my sleep, dragging me back to consciousness. 

I groaned, reaching blindly for my phone on the nightstand. My fingers finally found it and without checking the caller, I answered the call. 

Before I could even say hello, her voice exploded through the speaker, "Zara!"

I pulled my phone back, squinting at the screen through half-closed eyes. 

It was Ella. 


Pressing the phone back on my ear, her anger continued, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't smash your head right now!"

I bolted upright, instantly wide awake. "What the hell, Ella?" I muttered, still groggy. 

"What the hell? Fine then, I guess we have a winner. I'll be smashing your car then."

My eyes flew wide open and I sat up. "Do you have to yell?"

"Oh, you think I'm yelling now?" she snapped. "You just wait until I see you in person! Then you'd prefer the yelling version of Ella."

"El… calm down."

"Don't you dare use those words on me. You disappeared on your wedding day, then nothing. No call, no text, no 'Hey, Ella, guess what? I got married to some stranger!' Just radio silence!" 

"Well I texted you twice."

"Yeah, to pick up your mess and to also tell me not to worry."

"See?" I swear I knew she was glaring right now. 

"Tell that to the bitch who came banging on my door in search of you this morning."

"Huh?" I wasn't quite following. "What do you mean?"

"Your bitchy cousin, Clari. She came here, blabbering about you and that and Alpha Snow."

My eyes went wide. 

"Tell me how you got Alpha Snow in your mess? Except it isn't the same one I know."

I tried not to respond to the last part and focused on something else. Knowing Ella, she'd kill me from keeping such a thing from her.

"Zara!" she lashed out once more. "Tell me what the fuck is going on!"

I winced. She was right, of course. I hadn't reached out to her after everything with Snow and Ivan. I'd been too caught up in my own mess. "Ella, I'm sorry—"

"No!" she interrupted. "You don't get to 'sorry' your way out of this. You're my best friend! I thought you'd be in tears over that jerk Ivan, and instead, you run off with some mystery man? You better spill everything when I come over after work!"

I laughed despite myself. "Okay, okay, I promise. I'll explain everything but don't worry, I'll be visiting you."

"You better," she grumbled. "You're bringing wine. And don't think you're getting out of this."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I replied, feeling a bit lighter. "See you later, Ella."

As I hung up, I dragged myself to the bathroom, ready to face the day. 

I reached for my toothbrush, but as I glanced at the mirror, my mind flashed back to the night before—Snow's face inches from mine, his breath on my lips, his eyes burning with something I couldn't name. 

My heart picked up speed, my cheeks flushing as the memory washed over me.

No. No way. I slapped my cheeks lightly, forcing myself out of that haze. "Focus, Zara," I muttered to myself. "You've got this."

Still, I felt a certain energy for competition. Since he wanted to play, I couldn't just back down. Two could play this game. I was going to give Snow a taste of his own medicine. 

Determined, I finished in the bathroom and picked out a classy but daring outfit—a fitted dress that hugged my curves, cut low enough at the neckline to tease, but not enough to be obvious. 

It had a slit on the side that revealed just a hint of thigh with every step. I paired it with a small, elegant handbag and let my hair down in waves before heading downstairs.

As I walked into the dining room, I felt Snow's gaze snap to me instantly. His jaw dropped slightly, his eyes darkening as Glacier pushed forward. 

I could feel his wolf's presence, and for a moment, the air between us seemed to thrum with energy. His reaction was priceless.

If I didn't get to finish this game, that pure stunned look was more than enough prize for me.

I gave him my most charming smile, sliding into the seat across from him. "Good morning, husband," I greeted cheerfully.

Snow's eyes roamed over my outfit, lingering at every place the dress revealed just enough skin to stir his imagination. I could see him swallow hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. 


He cleared his throat, but his voice was rougher than usual. "Morning." He tried but failed to keep his tone steady. "Going somewhere special?"

"Not really," I replied nonchalantly, buttering a piece of toast. "Just thought I'd dress up. You know, make the day a little more interesting."

His eyes flashed, Glacier surfacing just below. "You're succeeding," he muttered under his breath, unable to tear his gaze away.

I smirked, enjoying the effect I was having on him. "You seem distracted, husband," I teased. "What's the problem? Is the food not to your liking or…?"

He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're playing a dangerous game, Zara."

I met his gaze head-on, heart racing but keeping my cool. "Maybe…" I shrugged, pushing my cleavage up a little, "just perhaps you failed to consider that I love a little danger."

His eyes darkened further. I could feel his breath quickening. For a moment, I thought he might just reach across the table and pull me to him. 

Instead, Snow's hand twitched and I saw Glacier pushing forward, wanting to close the distance.

Good. I allowed Astrid to surface a bit just to taunt them more. If there was one thing I know, Astrid knew how to play this game too.

Snow's gaze dropped to my lips for a split second before he tore his eyes away, shifting in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. 

"Finish your breakfast," he suggested in a strained voice. "We have a lot to do today."

I leaned back, satisfied. I could hardly hide my smile, letting it broaden at my victory. "Of course," I said sweetly. "Whatever you say, hubby or oops, Alpha."

His eyes flicked back to mine at the use of his title, most especially in the way I called it seductively, causing a muscle in his jaw to tighten.

I could see his struggle, the way his chest rose and fell a little faster than usual. He wanted me—'badly' and I loved every second of it.

'You're sure gonna want to kill me later for teasing an alpha such as Snow, Ella but yup, your bestie still got it in her.'