


~Snow's POV~

The office door slammed behind me, my chest heaving as I tried to reign in Glacier's fury. 

I wanted to break something, anything, just to release this pent-up frustration coursing through me. She had slapped me. 

'She slapped me,' I repeated in my head.

But as much as the anger roared within me, something deeper gnawed at my insides. Why had it come to this? Why had she chosen to run to Andrew Blake instead of coming to me with her concerns about Marcus? And why the hell was she still engaging with Ivan?

I paced inside my office, my fists clenching and unclenching as Glacier growled, waiting to break out. 

He hadn't been free in a while now. The frustration became worse by the day. 

And now, Zara wasn't just challenging my authority as her boss; she was testing the very boundaries of our relationship. She was questioning me—us.