Chapter 5: Crimson Purge

The Russian night was bitter cold as Julian, now morphed into the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, stood atop a snow-covered ridge overlooking the hidden Red Room facility. The facility's camouflaged exterior belied the horrors within - horrors he was about to bring to an end.

"V.I.K.I., status report," Julian whispered, his voice modulated by the helmet.

"Perimeter defenses mapped, sir," V.I.K.I. responded through his comm. "Thirty-six guards on rotating patrols. General Dreykov is in his office on the top floor."

Julian nodded, his enhanced senses picking up the faintest movements below. "Initiate phase one."

With a leap that defied human limitations, Julian soared through the air, his green-clad figure a blur against the starry sky. He landed silently behind two guards, his movements a fluid dance of precision and power. Before they could react, he struck - a palm strike to one guard's solar plexus, a sweep kick to the other's legs. Both crumpled without a sound.

Alarms blared as Julian sprinted towards the main building, dodging gunfire with preternatural agility. He summoned the Dragon Dagger, its blade glinting in the moonlight. With a series of rapid slashes, he cut through the reinforced door like it was paper.

Inside, chaos erupted. Black Widow trainees, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination, engaged him in close combat. Julian's fighting style was a brutal ballet - a combination of the martial arts mastery inherited from Tommy Oliver and the enhanced capabilities granted by The Shade Serum.

He ducked under a high kick, countering with an elbow strike that sent one trainee flying. Another came at him with a garrote wire - he caught it, yanking the attacker off balance before delivering a decisive knee strike.

"V.I.K.I., locate Yelena Belova," Julian commanded, his voice steady despite the frenetic combat.

"Third floor, eastern wing," came the prompt reply.

Julian nodded, then reached for his Morpher. "It's Morphin' Time! Zeo Ranger V Red!"

In a flash of crimson light, his form shifted. The bulkier Zeo Ranger armor materialized, bringing with it a surge of different powers. He drew the Zeo V Power Sword, its blade humming with energy.

With enhanced speed, Julian tore through the facility, a red blur leaving unconscious bodies in his wake. He used the sword to deflect bullets, the energized blade slicing through gun barrels with ease.

On the third floor, he found Yelena Belova, her stance defensive as she faced him. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the chaos around them.

"Someone offering you a choice," Julian replied, de-morphing to reveal his true face. "Freedom from this place, a chance to use your skills for something greater."

Yelena's eyes widened in recognition - not of Julian, but of the opportunity he represented. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded.

"Excellent," Julian said, then activated his comm. "V.I.K.I., deploy the Widow Unit. Begin extraction of all trainees willing to leave."

As the Widow Unit - former Red Room operatives Julian had previously rescued and recruited - swept through the facility, Julian made his way to the top floor. General Dreykov awaited him, a pistol trained on the door.

Julian morphed again, this time into the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. He burst through the door, Saba in hand, deflecting Dreykov's shots with inhuman speed.

"What are you?" Dreykov snarled, fear finally cracking his composed facade.

"The future," Julian replied coldly, Saba slicing through the air.

The fight was brief but brutal. Dreykov, for all his training, was no match for Julian's enhanced abilities and the power of the White Ranger. Within moments, the architect of so much suffering lay defeated.

As Julian stood over Dreykov's unconscious form, he felt a familiar tingle at the base of his skull. His precognition flared, showing him glimpses of the freed Widows - their future struggles, triumphs, and the vital roles they would play in the coming conflicts.

He saw Yelena, standing proud in her White Widow uniform, fighting alongside him against threats yet to come. He saw the ripples of this night's events spreading outward, reshaping the future in ways even he couldn't fully predict.

Julian took a deep breath, centering himself. "V.I.K.I., status report on the extraction."

"Extraction proceeding as planned, sir. Eighty-seven percent of trainees have chosen to leave. The Widow Unit is handling resistance efficiently."

Julian nodded, satisfied. He moved to the facility's main computer, quickly downloading crucial intelligence. "Prepare the Nightjet for departure. We're done here."

As he made his way to the extraction point, the facility burning behind him, Julian allowed himself a small smile. The first major piece had fallen into place. The game was changing, the future rewriting itself with every step he took.

And as the Nightjet soared into the dark Russian sky, carrying a cargo of liberated Widows and shattered chains, Julian's mind was already racing ahead to the next move, the next challenge.

The Crimson Purge was complete. The rise of Aegis had begun.