My Ordinary Life

I sort of liked the way my life was. Just go to school, do assignments, chat with friends. Life was normal. Until I met this so called "goddess", wait I'm going to ahead. Let me start from the top.

I was just a normal student trying to survive highschool with all its crazy assignments. After school I would help my mom at her bakery on the other side of town, then I'd go home and do my assignments and chat with my friends until I drop. I didn't have hobbies, didn't do club activities even though all my friends asked me to join. Not like my parents won't allow me, I was just timid. Then everything changed when I met Ruby. She was a popular gamer and everyone knew her through Anigram, Vcord and SolTube. I have no idea how she took a liking to me.

"Heyyyy! I'm Ruby." She said while extending her hand, she wasn't pretty, she was beautiful. With pale blonde hair and light red eyes, some people nicknamed her Curvy, can't blame them though. She has curves, it even showed through her oversized red hoodie.

"I'm Jade." I replied while shaking her hand. We became best friends and inseparable, Ruby is a hardcore gamer and loved playing any genre of games: RPG, horror, action, adventure. But her favourite was romance.

"But Kayla should have ended up with Dave! I'm going to play Angel Love all over again to ensure that! My ship must sail." Ruby said during cleaning duty. I just laughed.

"Do you play games Jade-san?" She suddenly asked me.

"Uh? No." I replied while cleaning the lockers.

"Why?" She asked.

"I dunno, why will you recommend me some games?" I asked her confused, her eyes lit up and she pulled out her phone. And showed me this game.

"It's called Timeless Melodies." She said.

"It's about this family where everyone plays music, there are five brothers: Christopher, the gutiarist. Kristen, the violinist, his twin brother Chris, the drummer. Luke the DJ of the family and Jayden, the pianist. You, the player are sent there as a personal maid to care for the brothers' needs while falling into a heartwarming romance." She explained, it did look interesting. Ruby looked at me with this happy expression. "So will you play it?" She asked.

And that's helpful I ended up playing a video game for the first time in my 16 years of life. I became obsessed with the game, I played between classes, after school, every weekend. It was just too addictive, I couldn't stop playing, its just that... The main character's love life looked amazing and better than mine, I mean she has five of the most attractive guys wanting her. My first boyfriend dumped me because of a milkshake, the other said that it's not me it's him. Classic way of saying: "Look you're cute but I just saw this hot chick and you suddenly look like shit." My last boyfriend just wanted me in his bed.... of course I said no and he dumped me, what a pervert. And I know I'll never meet any of the brothers in real life.

"I just wish my love life was like the MC's love life." I told Ruby at our favourite boba café slurping down my matcha tea down wondering when my love life will be better, Ruby was taking pictures of her taro tea before drinking it.

"Don't worry, you'll find love. Patience is the key." Ruby said between slurps, she patted my head.

"Remember Cupid is so dumb!" She added while smiling.

"Quoting FiftyFifty, won't help." I replied sulkly.

We continued our Saturday tour, to the mall then a tea shop, an arcade (they still exist??) before finally heading home. I colllasped on my bed from sheer exhaustion, I was getting ready to play Timeless Melodies but my phone died. I started to charge it and looked through my window because I was bored. There was this boy in the other house, weird oh right. Some new neighbors moved in today I guess I'll finally have an agemate for I neighbor. A good looking one to be exact. His blue eyes and black hair in that deep blue jacket the was unzipped, oh my god he was shirtless. Wait am I ... crushing on a boy????????

"Can't blame you though, he is hot." A voice whispered in my ear. I freaked out and turned to a woman with blonde hair and purple eyes dressed in a white off shoulder floral dress.

"His name is Lin, he's sixteen just like you but maybe three months older than you. Yes honey he works out to keep the abs you were drooling over." The woman said. I pulled out my diary and held it like it was a gun.

"Who are you? Don't move! Or I'll shoot?" I said threateningly.

"Geez ok ok." She said annoyed.

"My name is Lucia and I'm a goddess." She said elegantly.


She looked at me expecting me to bow or something like that but I was confused.

"Is this a prank?" I asked her.

"... Normally I would be offended but seeing this current era.... No I am a goddess." She replied while opening out her palm, suddenly pink smoke came out.

"Jade Hirito, an average sixteen year old with a horrible history when it comes to love. You're addicted to Timeless Melodies, your favourite boba tea is the mango flavour but you occasionally take matcha. Your bestie is Ruby the one who introduced you to the game. Do you believe me now?" She asked while covering my room with sunflowers and dandelions.

"Okay, you're a goddess what do you want?" I asked her.

"Well the other gods got bored of watching humanity acting normal for once and want entertainment. I promised them some and I just recently heard you saying you want the main character of Timeless Melodies' life. And I'm going to give it to you. By sending you there." She explained calmly.

"Whaaaaat?!" I asked shocked.

"And to make sure things more interesting how about this. If you survive a year inside the game without anyone realising you're not from that world I'll give you a reward." She added.

"If I don't?" I asked.

"There's a reward for that too." She said, I suddenly felt drowsy. Like I was about to faint, everything seemed blurry.

"Anyways..... Byeeee." Lucia said before I blacked out completely.