Jayden Harper

Remember when I said life was good. Well life is now very embrassing.... So I was cooling off in the jacuzzi and I forgot to lock the door, I started closing my eyes but was distributed when the door opened. In the position I was in, I could not see anyone and no one can see me. Annoyed, I lifted my head to see the intruder and I ended up screaming my lungs out. The intruder was the owner himself: Jayden Harper, I guess I wasn't the only who freaked out cause Jayden himself was looking pale as if he got a heart attack. He apologized for the intrusion and closed the door, outside the door I could hear Jayden demanding an explanation from Luke.

"Hey Luke. Mom said no more girlfriends and side chicks around why is one of them in my bathroom?!"

"First of all: Ouch. Secondly that's the maid whose in charge of us."

"In charge? What am I? A baby?"

".... I mean.... Technically you are."

"Anyways, why is she in my bathroom?"

"Well, she's your roommate and roommates share bathrooms since Dad said that she should move her. Plus the room is big enough to accommodate all three of us."

"Can't she move to your side?"

"Lemme think... No."


"Cause I said so."

Finally I dried myself and changed and left the bathroom. I picked up my phone while the the brothers looked at me with confusion.

"I'm going to take a walk around. May I get an escort?" I asked them.

"I'll escort you." Jayden volunteered with the light reflecting on his dark blue eyes and black hair. We walked around the mansion while Jayden showed me his other brothers rooms. The first we saw was Christopher's room, the door was pitch black and his name was written on in gold. Emo music blared from the room one of my least favourite genres. Next was Kristen and Chris' room painted with beach colours and had their names written in sea blue. Finally we reached a garden, I don't remember seeing in the game. There was this big tree that had a swinging bench on with a fountain some feet away from it there were birds perching on the fountain and some of the trees. Jayden sat down and I sat by him, I started feeling awkward I had no idea what to say.

"So what's your name?" He asked me. Looking at him made me feel weird so I looked down at my feet which I was swinging.

"Jade." I replied casually.

"That's a cute name. I'm Jayden." He said.

"I know, your dad said it when he was calling the others." I replied.

"He was..... That's... odd." He muttered to himself before continuing.

"You're our maid right?" He asked me to which I nodded.

"I have some rules: If I want to talk to you or you want to talk to me. Look me in the eye." He said to me, I got the message: I don't like people looking elsewhere when I'm talking. Unwilling I rose my head and looked at him in the eye, he smirked and I felt odd again.

"Rule number two: Since my roommate and you're a girl. I'll be dressing in the bathroom. And my last rule....." He paused looking at me as if he was hiding something.

"Don't look for me if I disapear. Especially at night." He concluded before getting up, I asked him to excuse me and I immediately pulled out my phone and went to the app and searched his name.(By the way, the is called Discover.)


[Information found]

[Name: Jayden Harper, age 17. Height 6'3, About him: Helloooooooo???? He's a pianist, he's pretty mysterious and likes disappearing at night. He loves chicken wings dipped in hot sauce with milkshakes, bunnies, mystery books and movies. But he hates stalkers and control freaks. But most importantly: He's cuuuuuuute❤️❤️❤️❤️. If that's not what you're looking for please dial this number:05967679387.]

The helll? What prank is this? Annoyed I dialled the number and the last person I wanted to hear was the receiver:

"Jade? Didn't expect you." Lucia's voice said.

"What crappy information is this?!" I asked her.

"But he is cute. But Christopher is hot." She replied dreamily. She sounded like a lovesick puppy and I hated it.

"I need real information." I said, Lucia giggled.

"Well I guess it's time to do a little digging in then." She replied. Annoyed I hanged up, these gods are annoying. After some more exploring with Jayden and doing some chores night finally came and I was exhausted, I changed into an oversized t-shirt and shorts before collapsing on my bed. Jayden was already lying down sleeping peacefully, remembering Luke's warning I tried to avoid him and stayed at the other side of the bed. Still he managed to roll to my side and put his arms around my waist, his grip was hard and no one told me that he was a sleep talker. He kept on muttering something that I never heard.

"Please stay.... Don't go... Please." He said in my ear it was toture. After an hour I managed to dose off and I slept peacefully for a while. After me getting only two hours of sleep I woke up and realized Jayden was gone. I was going to look for him but I remembered his last rule: Don't look for me. Suddenly a piano started playing, it was so beautiful, it felt like a lullaby in my ears it was accompanied by humming. I wanted to get up but I started feeling sleepy again, I colllasped on my bed and peacefully dozed off, with the song still playing in the room. Everything became blurry then black but as I dozed off, the humming turned into silent crying.