First Class.

I entered the car while the brothers looked at me like I'm a cat. All ride was smooth, the brothers just kept staring at me. I tried ignoring them but then they started giggling like five year olds and whispering.

"What is it?" I finally asked annoyed. Then Chris who was the closest to me put his hand around my waist, smirking at me.

"Oh calm down princess, we just wondering..." He paused then looked at my with this sly smile.

"Say have you ever kissed someone?" He asked, I felt my cheeks on fire.

"Wha- NO! Why would I?!" I asked him flustered and annoyed, then he leaned in close to my face.

"Would you like to try?" He asked while I heard the other brothers snickering. Angrily I pushed his face away.

"I'd rather kiss a trash can than your face! Wait, you look like a trash can." I told him, he looked shocked but the shock turned into anger. He rolled his eyes and backed away from me, the other brothers were laughing. Finally we reached the school. The whole school looked like a mansion that screamed: Wealth only. Teens in the same uniform as us, I really needed a tour of this school but before I could ask any of the brothers to show me around they all left to do their own things.

"You're on your own!" Luke's voice said before going to a swarm of girls following him, his fangirl base I presume. I really needed to know this place but no one would help me, well I didn't even ask for help.

"Are you new here?" A small voice asked me, I turned to see a girl with auburn hair tied in a bun with grey eyes and light skin looking at me, she adjusted her glasses before extending her hand.

" I'm Siniara." She said, I don't remember her from the real game.

"I'm Jade" I replied, she showed me around the school and took me to the administration to check for my class. There was an old man maybe in his early sixties in a brown suit with thick glasses and brown hair. He looked at me and spoke in a low grumpy voice.

"Are you the Jade girl Mrs Harper was talking about." He asked me, I nodded my head. He gave me a card.

"You're in 2-B with the Harper brothers. Since you're their personal assistant." He said, I walked out with Siniara walking beside me.

"Damn, you're the Harper's brothers' personal assistant? That's a tough job." She stated.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Those guys are chaotic, always picking fights, arguing all the time, pulling pranks. The least chaotically is Jayden but he's crazy in his own way.". She said while escorting me to my class.

"Well, gotta go. I'm in 2-E so see you at lunch!" She said before going, I waved at her as she ran off to her class. I entered the class looking for an empty seat. Luckily there was one just at the back I sat down and was just relaxing, the teacher hadn't yet come.

"That's my seat." Someone said to me, I was just reading and got annoyed.

"Didn't see you're name on it." I replied, suddenly I felt two fingers on my chin which was forcefully lifted up to see the person's gaze: Luke.

"You really have nerves for a personal assistant or should I say maid? Get up" He ordered me, I know I should have gotten up but I decided to be stubborn. I looked at him straight in the eye, stuck my tongue out at him and said:

"Make me." He looked at me before a playful smirk crept on his lips. He carried me off the seat and brought my face close to his, my heart pounding like crazy.

"Any other order, princess?" He playfully said, I hated being teased by people.

"Put me down." I replied nervously. His smirk just widening at the request.

"Really? Where?" He asked again.

"Anywhere, so long as I'm sitting down." I replied while rolling my eyes at him. Suddenly he sat down and put me on his lap. He gave me a look.

"Like this princess?" He teased again, I tried to get up but he locked his arms around me. Before I could say anything the teacher entered the class looking at us as if we're bad kids. The teacher on my first day of school sent me to detention. Luke actually looked happy to be sent to detention, he basically ran out of the class to the detention room. He sat down happily while I stared daggers at him.

"Congrats, you sent me to detention on my first day here. Bravo." I sacrastically said while clapping. He grins stupidly which pissed me off even more.

"Oh c'mon, you should be thanking me for saving you from history class." He said while putting his legs on the table and staring at me. "So where's my thank you?" He asked me.

"In hell,want me to send you there?" An annoyed voice asked, we turned to see a male with white hair and violet eyes and tanned skin looking at us pissed. Luke looked at him before whining.

"Geez Vlad. Why are you here?"

The Vlad pointed at a direction, we both turned and saw Kristen reading a book.

"Ask the ass called your brother." Vlad replied, Kristen shot him a death glare. I looked at Kristen's arm which was bandaged with blood stains on it. Then I looked at Vlad who also had a bandage on his left cheek.

"Do you want a round 2?" Kristen asked Vlad who looked at him up and down before chuckling.

"I don't need another detention in this hell. I'm just waiting for break." Vlad replied to Kristen.

"We all are." Luke said looking bored. I faceplamed myself annoyed.

"So I'm in a room with two fighters and a pervert. What a day." I groaned before sitting down far away from those there. I'm pretty sure I was in the room for hours until I looked at the clock: it has been fifteen minutes since I entered this room. I groaned in annoyance and slammed my head against the table.

"Is this your first time in detention?" Vlad asked me confused, I looked at him annoyed. "What does it look like?!" I shot back before groaning again. I slept for a while before someone rudely woke me up. I looked at Vlad annoyed.

"What?!" I asked him. He just looked at me as if he wanted to kill me. "Detention's over." He replied before leaving I got up and left the room. Luke had already left, typical. I started walking to the cafeteria when I passed by a class and heard sounds coming from there. Weird isn't everyone out of their class, I carefully opened the door. The place was dark I was about to leave but then I heard a groan or a moan. I don't know, I started looking for the switch, I hit something and suddenly the lights were on. I wished I never put it on, as if fate would have it I saw Luke again with a girl on his lap. They were kissing and I was just thinking: who makes out in a classroom? Finally I cleared my throat. They both looked at me, embrassed.

"Soooo... You guys are just here making out? Oh I can't wait to tell Mrs Harper about this." I said while grinning deviously. Luke immediately got up and grabbed me by the wrist. He looked at me dead serious but at the same time scared.

"Don't tell my mom, please." He said, I laughed at him.

"Why not? I asked him. He looked horrified.

"Please. I'll do anything." He begged me. I grinned at him.

"Ok, I won't tell but you have to carry my bag everywhere during school got it?" I said to which he nodded. I left. School passed quickly, I was at the house watching TV with the brothers, suddenly Chris' stomach growled.

"I'm hungry." He said while looking at his twin brother. Kristen rolled his eyes at him.

"So you want me to order food?" He asked to which Chris nodded. Kristen ordered the food is we were all eating pizza and watching the movie.

"Wait, so you guys don't eat any home made food?" I asked them.

"Our mom doesn't have time to cook for us." Jayden replied, I looked at them. Before getting up and beaming.

"I'll cook for you guys!" I declared, they looked at me like I said something wrong.

"Really, you don't have to." Kristen said.

"I wasn't asking." I replied. They tried talking me out of it but I didn't budge. So starting from tomorrow I'm going to cook for them.