
I was going to kill Vlad, who does he think he is? Saying that I'm annoying? At least I don't fight. I was looking for him to confront but I couldn't find him anywhere, I even went to his class between classes.

"Why did you keep going to Vlad's class? Are you in love with him or what?" Jayden asked me, his breath sending shivers down my spine. I turned and saw him reading a maths text book leaning against a locker, we were infront of 3-C Vlad, Kristen and Chris' class. Jayden wasn't in my class like Luke, he was in 2-A because in this school, your class determines the grade you're in and Jayden happened to be soooooo smart he got A. While I got B like it's soooooo annoying, his classes are always taught with projectors and they get to use tablets to take notes. But I shouldn't be complaining, Siniara should. Her teachers barely come to class and the desks are horrible. And she's in E, I wonder how F students manage.

"You don't read maths. You solve it." I replied.

"Then what are words doing there? You read and solve maths. Now answer my question." Jayden replied his eyes stuck on his book. I groaned in annoyance.

"I'm looking for Vlad. There happy?" I asked him.

"Why are you looking for him? I thought you liked Chris." Jayden asked again. I took his book from his hand and whacked his head hard with it.

"Owww! What was that for????" He asked me annoyed.

"For teasing me with Chris. I don't like him." I replied.

"Oh, that means you like Luke." He said, I whacked him again. "Ok,ok, I get it. You don't like any of them." He groaned before yanking his book from my hand.

"Now quit abusing me with my own book." Jayden said. "Anyways, why are you looking for Vlad?" He asked me.

"To kill him. Duh" I replied casual, Jayden's blue eyes opened wide in shock, his mouth wide open.

"You want to what?!" He asked me shocked, I repeated myself feeling confident until Jayden put his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Don't. He'll kill you before you can even lay a finger on him." He said. I was confused.

"Oh really? How?" I challenged. Jayden shook his head in a "you have no idea who you're messing with" rythmn.

"Vlad, is a monster when it comes to fights. If you don't believe me ask Kristen. He and Kristen have been frenemies since they were in middle school and still. Kristen can never beat Vlad in a fight." Jayden explained.

"So he's a blood thirsty monster?" I asked, Jayden nodded.

"Plus he has a lot of rumours about him. The only person who might if their true is Rio or Kristen." Jayden added.

"What rumours?" I asked him.

"Well, there are rumours saying that his dad runs a mafia while his mom is a wanted assassin in the Crime World. And there's another rumour saying he once killed a teacher by beating the teacher to death." Jayden replied, I felt sweat trickling down my face my heart beating faster. Killed a teacher? By beating them up? I gulped. Rumours like those don't spread unless the person has a scary personality. I looked at Jayden and left, lunch came and I was sitting by Siniara just chatting forgetting about Vlad. Until I saw him walk into the cafeteria. His blazer resting on his shoulders and his tie loosened showing a skull silver chain, his sleeves were rolled up showing white fingerless gloves. I instantly remembered what Rio told me, I got up and headed towards Vlad.

"Jade? Where you going???" Siniara's voice called out but I was fuming. I reached Vlad's table slamming my clenched fists onto it.

"Err, good afternoon?" Vlad said confused. I was shooting him death stares.

"What's good about the afternoon." I asked annoyed.

"Well, we're alive, we're not in the hospital. The weather is nice. A lot of things make the afternoon good." Vlad replied. Suddenly my hands grabbed his collar and pulled him close.

"What did you mean by I'm annoying?" I asked him pissed off.

"Seriously? Rio told you? Damn, I'm going to kill him." Vlad muttered under his breath.

"Not if I have something to do about it." I said, my blood boiling. Suddenly Vlad's eyes starting looking dangerous, then a grin came across his face.

"Are you saying you want to fight me?" Vlad asked me. I looked at him wondering if he was joking but all I saw on his eyes were bloodlust.

"Maybe." I replied, he started whistling. Then he grabbed my hands and removed them from his shirt, he slowly got up. Staring at me with murder in his eyes, I gulped Jayden was right. This guy is a month for fights I tried backing away but his hand grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up in the air.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked me his voice dripping with murder. "We aren't done with our live conversation. You said some about fighting me, what was it?" He asked me. My pulse was beating fast, this guy is crazy.

"I said I won't let you hurt Rio. Now put me down." I replied my heart basically pounding against my chest. Vlad's eyes stared at me intently before he replied:

"Are you scared?"

"Wha- no! Put me down!" I replied half angry half scared.

"Put her down." A voice said, we turned and saw ..... Siniara?! She looked at Vlad with a serious look. "Put her down. Now" she ordered, Vlad stared at her.

"Or else what?" He asked, she approached him and they were inches apart when Siniara said:

"Or I'll tell your dad what you did last night. You know we're family friends and you wouldn't want to piss off your dad~" Vlad's eyes widened in shock, he looked at me and let me go. He started walking off but he stopped in his tracks and looked at Siniara with a glare.

"You better keep to your side of the deal." He said before leaving.