2. The Valientes' Struggle

With three chairs on each side of the antique ash dining table, the Valientes were seated around it. The table was full with a variety of delicacies that provided a feast for their shared supper.

Miguel was seated at the head of the table, with Juan and Daniella sitting to his left, Rosario and Carlos to his right. Miguel set his cutlery on the plate and looked around, his eyes crinkling with excitement. "I can now proudly say my son has finally chosen a perfect woman to spend his life with."

Daniella's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you for the compliments, Mr. Valiente," she replied with a smile. She held Juan's hand, leaning on his shoulder with adoration as she looked at Miguel.

"I only speak the truth and nothing else," Miguel said.

"But it still means so much to me," Daniella replied, giving Juan's hand another affectionate squeeze. "I hardly ever receive compliments."

"Aren't you a model? I'm sure you get compliments all the time," Carlos remarked, taking a spoonful of food to his mouth.

The soft color faded from Daniella's cheeks. "It's different from family. I lost my father at a young age, and my mother blames me for it so..."

"You don't need to say anything," Rosario interjected, reaching across the table to place her hand upon Daniella's in a motherly gesture. "Just know that we are always here for you."

Glancing around the table, Rosario pondered, "Why didn't Marissa come down? Surely she'd at least eat, if not talk. Margarita?"

Margarita emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her white apron. "Mrs. Rosa?"

"Could you please take some food upstairs for Marissa?" Concern was clear in Rosario's order.

"Sure, Mrs. Rosario," Margarita nodded and went back inside to handle the request.

"I think it's because of me," Daniella said, her eyes darting around the space with concern. "I was talking to her earlier when you arrived, and she walked away without a single word."

"Don't worry, my dear. I'm sure she's not angry at you. Marissa can be difficult to read," Rosario gave Juan and Miguel a quick worried glance as she comforted Daniella.

Coming out of the kitchen, Margarita had a tray of food with a decorative glass saucer on it.

"Wait a moment," Juan stood up from the table and took the tray from Margarita. "I'll take it to her."

"Very good, sir," Margarita smiled and went back to work.

* * *

Using one hand to steady the tray, Juan tapped on the door before going inside. With an attitude as mysterious as always, Marissa looked up from organising her already tidy pillows.

"What are you doing here, big brother?" With her usual hazy expression, she asked, her eyes locked on him.

Juan met her emotionless black eyes. "I'm here with something for you to eat. Everyone's downstairs."

"What if I tell you I'm not hungry?"

"You can eat whenever you want," Setting the tray down on the bedside table, Juan replied. With that, he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

She was so distraught that she took hold of one of the pillows and threw it as hard as she could against the wall. She asked her question to no one in particular, whimpering.

"Why do I have this overwhelming feeling? Why me?"

* * *

The next morning, Juan opened her bedroom door, smiling as he saw her asleep, clutching a pillow close to her. He stepped in and sat on the bed, gazing at her with a smile. "You're becoming more beautiful," he whispered.

His eyes glanced toward the nightstand, noticing the half-finished food and an empty glass cup. "Always so stubborn. I knew you were hungry. Good to know the old Marissa is still there," He said, as he leaned forward and put a delicate kiss on her cheek.

Carrying the halfway done meal tray, Juan exited the room and headed downstairs. He saw Daniella in the kitchen, pacing back and forth between the prep area and the refrigerator.

"Sweetheart," he called out, his eyes following her movements. "What are you doing?"

"My love, I want to cook for Marissa, I hope that she will really like it, maybe let me in a bit, you know?"

Juan stepped forward, kissed her on the mouth, and cupping her cheeks. "I hope you can, but you needn't try so hard. Marissa is different," he said, recalling last night's scene in the bedroom.

"There's something off with her."

Juan nodded in agreement. "She's like a completely different person. I need to find out what's the matter."

"That would be great, my love," Daniella replied, meeting his gaze with hope. "She's the only other lady in the house; I'd love for us to be friends."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Juan calmed her by bringing her into his hold and pressing his lips against hers once again.

"That's why I love you so much, you always know how to motivate me. Thank you for loving me, Juan."

"Thank you for loving me, Daniella," Juan replied, with a kiss on her velvety lips.

* * *

"Good life, better food, best sister-in-law," Carlos remarked, giving a thumbs up to Daniella while digesting the rice.

"How did you know I cooked?" Daniella asked, giving Carlos a mildly quizzical glance.

"Who did I see in the kitchen cooking, from the kitchen window? Who did I see arranging the table?" Carlos replied. "Of course, it was you."

Miguel and Rosario exchanged smiles before Miguel asked, "Where's Marissa?"

"Just leave Marissa to me. I have an idea of what's up. I'll take care of her," Juan gave them his word.

"I'm glad to hear that from you, Juan," Miguel answered in a relieved tone. "Now, where's Ignacio?"

"Father, Ignacio rarely comes out for breakfast. He drinks all night and sleeps all morning. Just let him be," Carlos said.

"I have to talk to him later. I want everyone to change and be more conscious from now on," Miguel stated with a hard look.

* * *

Marissa yawned, rubbed her eyes, and stretched as she sat on the bed. She glanced at the nightstand and was surprised by how empty it was.

"The food is gone? It took so much effort not to eat it entirely yesterday. I'm hungry now. If it was that Daniella, I will kill her," Marissa mumbled, hungry and furious.

A knock sounded on her door.

"Come in."

Smiling and her dimples showing, Daniella came in holding a platter of food. "I cooked a little something for you."

"Look," Marissa said, crossing her legs on the bed. "I don't want anything to do with you. Leave, and we won't have a problem."

Ignoring Marissa's words, Daniella placed the tray of food on the nightstand and sat on the bed, facing her.

Sighing, Daniella started, "Marissa, I know you don't like me. I can't imagine why, but I do want us to be friends. Juan and I are getting married soon, and I'd like to consider you as a sister."

Marissa froze, her nostrils flaring and her eyes burning with rage. In a fit of anger, she pushed the food and nightstand over. Daniella jumped back, eyes wide with shock. Marissa stood on her bed, towering over Daniella with a threatening and furious demeanor.

The commotion caught the attention of the entire family. Juan hurried in first, his eyes darting from the shattered rice bowls to his sister and then to his girlfriend. Miguel and Rosario quickly followed.

"What's going on?" Juan enquired, seeming worried and perplexed.

Marissa continued to scream at Daniella, making it clear she refused to have a conversation. "Why won't you understand that I don't want to talk to you? I don't!"

Meanwhile, Juan wrapped his arms around Daniella, offering her a hug. "I'm just so glad to see that you're alright."

Marissa's anger grew as she spoke to Juan, her nostrils showing her fury. "Juan Valiente, keep your bitch girlfriend away from me!" With that, she jumped off the bed, stormed out of the room, and slammed the door shut.

Juan held Daniella as she began to weep, offering his comfort. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. You shouldn't have had to bring the food; I would have done it."

"Forgive her, Daniella. I'll have a talk with her. This has to stop," Miguel said firmly as he opened the door and exited the room. Rosario followed, giving Daniella a sympathetic smile before leaving too.