The Sixth Man's Hidden Threat

In every future without the Sixth Man, the players could only manage to kill eight troupe members, nothing more.


But the moment the Sixth Man entered the picture—


Everything changed.


The Scarlet Troupe would no longer be certain of victory.


This was terrifying, because even if they faced an equal number of enemies, the Troupe should still have had the upper hand.


And yet, this one person alone could tip the balance.


The Playwright couldn't predict when the Sixth Man would act.


If he sensed the trap, he could abandon his team and disappear into the night.


After all, these weren't true comrades.


They were a ragtag group from different places, bound together by necessity, not loyalty.


There was no reason to expect them to fight like the Scarlet Troupe, who had trained together for years.


And yet—