Chapter 1

[Not only the one who has a traitor behind his back,

The flower may turn out to be a knife ]

There was a city ,where streets were called as writer's name. Even houses had their own names that were connected with poets, authors and others artists people. For instance, the street of the Pushkin, open stage in honor of Shakespeare . This place was full of that century staff that people can ever imagine. But it was not so perfect, it is even had not been completed yet. In some places massive construction of roads and tall buildings continued . It was seems that these streets were going to be honored of some modern novelists and writers. However, it is not something that plays sense. Dana was living there till "that" awful accident with her parents. All things were ok when she was a fourteen years old girl. Her parents Daniela and Nathan were travelers and really specialized in their profession. Through lots of years exploring the world and one of the remotest places, they found out lots of "Nature treasures". It could be cost for people live in order to get such gold like Daniela and Nathan explored . And while they got money from their first exploring, they started to understand that they put in danger their own lives. Especially their daughter live, because she was with them particularly everywhere as they thought such knowledge could help her in the future. But, instead of stopping travelling, they chose another way...

-So, this part of your findings go to government and museums and thirty-three percent is fully your part. Nathan and Daniela Naladans ... Here is it, your documents, please verify it.

Woman with curly and short brown hair smiled and looked at the man who was staying next to her:

- Still, nobody will know where it is located, but three of us. You, me and this little girl, yes, sweetie?

Their plan was clear. Even though 33 percent not even a half, but they two were mostly satisfied with exploring, but not "having" a gold . So, this remaining percentage they hid it far away in the jungle or thickets, where only they knew where it was. It wasn't cheap to hide from everyone where the gold was. That's why so much of the money went to the authorities. Travelers still were afraid of their live, but were also crazy about exploring and hidden gold. So, they teach and forced Dana to learn the location of the lets-call-it "treasure" (in some cases if they forgot where it is). However, Dana did not think that it something bad, she also loved travelling with parents, even though they put their work on the first place,but her on the second. It was not so harmful for Dana, because she had not any friends due to often trips.

As quantity of the treasures began to raise, danger increased. Father of the Nathan-Thompson was full of envy and anger that his own son did not want to give something to him. The reason for it was clear-Thompson has already everything, but such kind of people, can be called as greedy . He was ready to kill his own family, in order to get something that isn't him, his belongings. There were some strange people, stalkers in the street. Adults began to understand that they had to left or obey Thompson's rules.

-We had to leave.

A man with dark straight hair nervously breathed. Nathan did not want to make peace with his father, especially with such an arrogant one.

-He would rather kill me, then keep me alive. The only one thought that someone more than him can get money would kill him inside.

Nathan looked at Daniela and started to move his green eyes from one angle of the room to another. Lots of things was going in his mind. Where? When? And how they will hide? They were not so old, they still 35 and had more courage to "run" from the difficult truth. They did not good at parenting, as family, but they were perfect explorers . That was everything for two of them ...

Two days later

9:00AM Sunday

At the back of the terraced house there was a red car. Such cars were comfortable while riding in difficult places, what was more there were lots of space, and it was pretty big for tree members of the family. Daniela called Dana and sat down into car. Nathan had booked tickets for a flight, it was time to leave house in order to reach an airport.

11:30 AM

-We will be later ....let's turn the path

Father rolled the car on another way, he chose to go through the street that was still under construction . Dana was moving her fingers, while looking at the window. She was nervous about this path, but not her parents, they were nervous about their live.

-Oh girl, sometimes it is better to disobey the rules, we will be alive.

Daniela addressed this words to Dana. She saw how girl was staring at the window. Something left in her minds. She was still mother, even though not the best one. Dana nodded to her and looked at the two parents sitting in the front seats ." May be ,i am just too scared, i must believe in my parents' truth. "

I could believe,but could not see our fate, how wrong I was.

Driving further, under a destroyed bridge, at one point the car got stuck. Atmosphere became terrifying, Nathan was trying to increase the speed with the aim of getting out of a hole. But he did not understand that the platform on which car got stuck was the part of the bridge and each movement was lead to earthquake. In one moment, when they realised it was too late. The bridge began to collapse and stones began to fall from it. Before they could get out to the car, something fell on it.


"That is painful".

Dana raised her head and through her cloudy gaze tried to understand what had happened, where her parents were. Something heavy was on her, that were bodies of her parents. Soundless words went from her mouse. When did they protect her from the death? Why her?


Cold tears went from green eyes. Stroking her parents' heads, felt terrible not only because Dana was half-bent over in the car under the rubble, but also because of two these died people that was everything in "this" world. Her eyes became cloudy and body became so weak that not only Dana's hands stopped, but eyes closed too...