Chapter 8: A Letter

[Dear Mom and Dad,

Even though I've only just left home, I already miss you both. I hope you're in good health and good spirits.

Yesterday, we arrived at Hogwarts on a deep red steam train. The school is an impressive castle, surrounded by meadows, forests, and a lake. I have to say, the morning scenery here is absolutely enchanting.

We arrived at the school in the evening, and the first thing we did was the Sorting Ceremony. I think you know that Hogwarts is divided into four houses—brave and bold Gryffindor, just and loyal Hufflepuff, wise and learned Ravenclaw, and ambitious Slytherin…]

At this point, Wade's pen paused slightly.

He suddenly thought that out of the four houses, the other three value the qualities of the students, but Ravenclaw uniquely prioritizes ability.

So... smart and brave people might end up in Gryffindor, like Dumbledore or Hermione; smart and loyal people might be placed in Hufflepuff, like Newt Scamander (the protagonist of the Fantastic Beasts series) or Cedric Diggory; and smart and ambitious people go to Slytherin, like Voldemort or Snape.

But what about the "smart people" who remain in Ravenclaw? Perhaps they are intelligent and quick-witted, but smart people often excel at avoiding risks, and when faced with difficulties and dangers, they are more likely to retreat, choosing an easier, more beneficial path.

To achieve something significant, it's not just intelligence that matters; it's the qualities of the spirit that drive success—whether it's charging ahead, being tenacious, or being highly ambitious. 

Those who are intelligent but absorbed in their own world, doing things their own way, often just end up being seen as oddballs by others.

This is why, in the storyline, Ravenclaw is the least prominent of the four Hogwarts houses. The Ravenclaw members who do appear—whether current students or graduates—tend to be somewhat eccentric, with Cho Chang being the notable exception.

Thinking about how the Sorting Hat said he was best suited for Ravenclaw, Wade frowned slightly in displeasure. Then he reminded himself—what kind of person I am is not something that a hat can decide.

Besides, the Sorting Hat has been wrong more than once, like when it sorted the cowardly Peter Pettigrew into Gryffindor.

Wade paused for a moment, then continued writing:

[A talking hat sorted me into Ravenclaw, which I suppose is the best recognition of my intellect. I do plan to learn as much as possible during my seven years here because I've heard there's no place in all of Britain with a better collection of books than Hogwarts. 

I must say, in this regard, the wizarding world is far less forward-thinking than the Muggle government. There are no public libraries here, so rare books are either kept at the school or in the private collections of certain wizarding families.

The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is a rather strange man. He has long silver hair and a silver beard, with an aura that perfectly matches the mysterious image of a wizard—he's like a living Merlin. 

Can you imagine? His speech at the opening ceremony was, "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" 

I don't think anyone knows what it means. But even though we didn't understand it, it was much better than those long and boring speeches. 

After he finished talking, the tables suddenly filled with all sorts of delicious food (yes, it appeared out of nowhere—magic is truly amazing), and by then, we were all very hungry.

While a bit eccentric, this professor is also very humorous, kind, and gentle, and he is considered the greatest wizard of our time. 

A classmate from a wizarding family told me that because Dumbledore is here, Hogwarts is also regarded as the safest place in the world. So you don't need to worry about me encountering any danger at school. 

The students here don't go around cursing others without reason; they're not much different from kids at a regular school.

Additionally, my house, Ravenclaw, has its own tower located on the west side of the castle. After dinner, the house prefect led us to the tower. You have to correctly answer the door knocker's question to enter the common room. 

The common room is a very spacious, round room with a deep blue ceiling painted with stars, and the thick carpet is also covered with stars, giving the room a serene and elegant feel. 

There are many arched windows with bronze silk drapes hanging down, and through the windows, you can see the distant mountains, wilderness, and the Quidditch pitch on the school grounds.

The dormitory is in the adjoining turret—I must say, getting to the dormitory involves climbing a lot of stairs. 

But the older students said that the staircases at the school are usually kind to Ravenclaw students; they don't move around to trick us, and sometimes they even create a shortcut, saving us at least half the distance—perhaps because the ever-changing staircases in the castle were designed by Ravenclaw's founder herself.

Ravenclaw has the fewest students among the four houses, and the dormitories are double rooms. However, there are an odd number of boys in my house, so... you've probably guessed it already—I seized the opportunity and quickly applied for a single room. 

Fortunately, I was able to get a single room.

The dormitory has a warm bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a bookshelf, as well as a private bathroom, with all the necessities provided. 

We don't need to do laundry or clean our rooms; there's a group of invisible little helpers in the castle, and when we wake up, everything is perfectly tidy. 

My luggage was probably brought to the dormitory by them too—thank goodness, I didn't have to carry my suitcase up the spiral stairs myself.

The students in my house are all very easy to get along with, and West, the prefect, takes good care of the new students. 

Worried that we might get lost, he waited for us in the common room early this morning, took us to the Great Hall for breakfast, and gave us our schedules for the term—I must say, the workload is quite manageable, so that's the least of my concerns.

After breakfast, West also took us on a tour of the school, showing us where our classes will be, which areas are off-limits, and the shortcuts to places like the library, the hospital wing, and the Quidditch pitch.

Soon we'll be having our flying lessons, and I'll be riding a broomstick for the first time—it's exciting, isn't it? I never thought before that we humans could soar through the sky like birds. Of course, I'll follow the professor's instructions, stay safe, and avoid getting hurt.

Finally, I want to say that Hogwarts is a truly wonderful school! I really like it here.


Wade Grey]

Having lived two lives, Wade was not as carefree as an ordinary child. He understood very well how much loving parents would worry when their child left home. 

So, during a brief moment of free time before classes started, Wade meticulously wrote down everything that had happened since he arrived at school, leaving nothing out. 

He even hand-drew a simple map of the school's layout and enclosed it with the letter. After finishing the letter, Wade reviewed it carefully and decided to change the description of Slytherin from "ambitious" to "shrewd and proud."

It wasn't that he wanted to praise Slytherin House; he simply didn't want his parents to sense any potential conflicts between the houses from his choice of words, which might make them start worrying about his situation. 

The Grey couple's impression of the wizarding world was still stuck in the era of the Dark Lord's terror. Ever since Wade received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, they had been silently feeling guilty and anxious about their identity as a Squib.

Wade wanted to reassure them— there is no need to worry. The war is over, blood purity is no longer a dominant ideology, and Hogwarts is a safe place now. His background is not an obstacle, and his parents are not a burden.

He is always filled with gratitude for being their child.


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