Chapter 12: A Fresh Start

"You asked the professor?" Michael was surprised. "After taking Professor Snape's class, you still dared to ask a professor?"

Theo laughed, "Professor Sprout is different; she's really kind. Besides, I thought it would be better to ask for permission rather than practicing in secret. And practicing spells isn't a bad thing."

"And then? Professor Sprout provided us with a place?" Wade asked.

"Yes," Theo nodded. "An abandoned classroom. Professor Sprout said it would definitely meet our needs."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go check it out!" Michael said cheerfully—he had long been eager to leave the suffocating atmosphere of the library.

Wade was about to leave when he suddenly turned back.

In the vast library, Hermione was sitting alone, buried in her books, looking rather lonely.

Wade remembered that at this time, Hermione didn't seem to have any friends.

"Wait a moment," he said to the others. "I'll invite someone else."

He gently tapped the books on the table twice, and Hermione looked up to see Wade smiling at her. "Hermione, we're about to go practice some spells together. Would you like to join us?"


"Hogwarts is the oldest established wizarding school. A long time ago, probably all the young witches and wizards in Europe attended Hogwarts. 

But later, other wizarding schools were founded, and many wizards chose to move to America, where their children attended Ilvermorny School."

As they climbed the stairs, Theo panted and said: "So... Hogwarts was originally designed to accommodate one or two thousand students, with hundreds of professors. 

But now there are only two or three hundred students, so many classrooms are left unused. For safety reasons, the school has hidden most of these abandoned classrooms."

"Professor Sprout told us about an unused Charms classroom that should be quite spacious," Ryan added. "It's behind the portrait of Miss Claudia with the Umbrella on the third floor."

The group searched the corridor for a while before finally finding the portrait on the side near the west tower.

—In the painting, a blonde girl stood in a field full of flowers, gently swaying in the breeze. She held a white umbrella with pink flowers and gazed wistfully into the distance, her body turned slightly to face everyone.

Ryan tapped the left side of the portrait with his wand three times and spoke the password: "Sunshine, golden daisies."

The girl in the painting lifted her skirt and stepped aside, and the portrait opened. 

The group filed in one after another, and once the portrait closed, the blonde girl in the painting turned her umbrella in the other direction, and it began to rain softly within the scene.

The classroom looked like it had been unused for quite some time. A thick layer of dust covered the floor, and some tables and chairs were scattered around haphazardly. 

A few old books and discarded pieces of parchment were strewn across the ground. 

Along one wall, there was a row of wooden shelves, but they were empty and even broken in some places. In the corner, there were some targets meant for practicing spells, most of which were also damaged.

"Alright, it looks like we'll need to clean up before we can practice," Hermione said, rolling up her sleeves. "Who wants to fetch a basin of water?"

"I will!" Theo volunteered enthusiastically. "I'll go find some cleaning tools first."

"Why don't we just ask the house-elves at Hogwarts to tidy up for us?" Michael said lazily. "You do know Hogwarts has a group of house-elves, right?"

Ryan was already straightening up a fallen chair.

"Hold on a second, everyone," Wade stopped Theo, who was about to leave, and asked the others, "We came here to practice spells—so why don't we start by cleaning up this classroom?"

"What? No way!" Michael looked at him in disbelief.

"Scourgify and Reparo—let's start with those two spells," Wade suggested, looking at Ryan. "And for moving the furniture, we can only use the Levitation Charm."

"Alright! It sounds like a big job, but it should be fun," Theo said with a cheerful smile.

Ryan thought for a moment, then deliberately knocked the chair he had just righted back down. He waved his wand and said, "Scourgify!"

One of the tables became a bit cleaner, but there was still visible dirt in the crevices.

Wade blinked.

"Ryan, try casting it again," Wade said.

So Ryan cast the cleaning charm once more, but the effect was still minimal.

This time, Wade was sure he had seen it clearly—when Ryan waved his wand, Wade faintly saw another arc overlapping his wand movement arc. The two were similar yet different, and this made Wade realize why Ryan's spell wasn't working as effectively as it should.

It was as if, in a game, a plug-in had calculated the optimal path and attack angle for him.

"Ryan, when you cast the spell, raise your wand slightly and make the ending motion more decisive," Wade demonstrated as he spoke. "Also, when you pronounce 'Scourgify,' soften the 'gi' sound a bit. Try it again and see how it goes."

Ryan paused for a moment—perhaps Hufflepuffs naturally trusted the intelligence of Ravenclaws more—he didn't argue and instead followed Wade's modified instructions. He waved his wand, saying, "Scourgify!"

The table immediately became spotless, shining so brightly that even a fly wouldn't be able to land on it. The floor beneath it also gleamed with cleanliness.

Ryan's eyes widened as he looked at his wand and then back at Wade, muttering, "How did you do that?"

The others had similar reactions, gathering around to inspect the table. Theo even bent down to touch it, marveling, "Ryan! I had no idea! You're a spell-casting genius!"

"No—it's not because of me—" Ryan said, still a bit dazed. He tried waving his wand again, but his mind was so distracted that the results weren't as good as the previous attempt.

Wade didn't say anything. He tried the spell himself but didn't notice any additional arc—just like how he could see the names above others' heads but not his own.

However, the experience of guiding Ryan had made it clear to Wade what was correct, so his own spellcasting became flawless, and the area he cleaned was even larger.

Wade thought for a moment and then had the others try the Scourgify spell as well. As expected, he saw the faint golden arcs again. Even Hermione's spell wasn't perfect, though it was closer to the standard than the others.

He went around giving pointers, helping everyone's spellcasting approach near perfection. In the process, his own understanding deepened, and eventually, with just a casual wave of his wand, he could cast a flawless cleaning spell without even uttering the incantation.

If his special ability had a name, Wade thought it might be something like a "Good Teacher System"—one glance at a student, and he knew what feedback to give; even in a group setting, he could tell who was genuinely trying and who was just going through the motions. 

And during one-on-one guidance, he could make targeted adjustments, helping the student master a spell in the shortest time possible.

Unfortunately, this special ability was a silent one, and Wade had no idea if there were any undiscovered features waiting to be unlocked. He could only continue to explore it slowly.


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