Chapter 14: Charms Class

Magic is a power that is almost like "wishing something into existence," and Transfiguration is the most typical example of this.

Many students seem to think that their Transfiguration failed because they didn't pronounce the incantation clearly enough or their wand movements weren't decisive enough, so they keep trying different variations. 

However, when Professor McGonagall just transformed the desk into a pig, she didn't use any special motions or incantations—she simply tapped the desk lightly with her wand, and it transformed.

Wade raised his wand and pointed it at the matchstick.

In his mind— a clear image; 

a resolute belief;

and unwavering confidence.

If the concept of a "needle" in your mind is vague, or if you're thinking- "This is really difficult," "Can magic actually do this?" "I can't do it," "I'm sure I'll fail at first..."—with such thoughts, the spell is unlikely to succeed.

The wand acts as a conduit for the wizard's internal magic, making the magic more obedient and harmonious; the incantation, gestures, or magical rituals are more like tools to strengthen that belief—a way for the wizard to hypnotize themselves.

A skilled wizard needs no excess; they can change the world through sheer force of will.

"Very good, Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagall suddenly praised. "A noticeable change, five points to Gryffindor."

The surrounding students couldn't help but crane their necks to see. In front of Hermione, the matchstick had not only become pointed at one end but also had a slight silver-white hue, making it look somewhat like a needle.

The brown-haired girl tried hard to suppress the excitement on her face, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Professor McGonagall said, "Miss Granger, perhaps you would like to demonstrate the Transfiguration process to everyone once more? Since..."

Before Professor McGonagall could finish speaking, there was a gasp from the students on the other side.

Wade's matchstick had suddenly become long and sharp, with a tiny hole at the end, and its surface gleamed with a metallic sheen.

Professor McGonagall quickly walked over, used her wand to levitate the needle and carefully examined it, a look of satisfaction and approval appeared on her face. "A perfect Transfiguration, three points to Ravenclaw!"

She restored the needle to its original form and then asked the young wizards to gather around to watch Wade's demonstration. With everyone watching, Wade softly recited the incantation and lightly tapped the matchstick with his wand—

The matchstick quickly elongated and changed color, and in an instant, a slender silver needle appeared on the table.

Everyone gasped in unison with a collective "Wow."

Wade looked up and his gaze swept past Hermione, who had a slightly frustrated expression on her face, and then met a pair of bright green eyes.

The boy with messy black hair smiled warmly, his eyes were filled with surprise and admiration. Beside him, a red-haired, freckled boy had a somewhat dumbfounded look on his face.

"They always say Ravenclaws are the smartest," Ron said to Harry as they left class. "I'm starting to understand why now."


After Transfiguration class, Charms class was next, with only ten minutes in between to change classrooms. 

After Professor McGonagall assigned the homework, everyone hurriedly headed to the Charms classroom—Charms was also a combined class for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

"Wade," Hermione said, ignoring the division of houses, and sat down next to him. "Do you have any plans after class?"

Wade replied, "I'm planning to go to the practice room."

"Good," Hermione said, breathing a sigh of relief. "I was thinking of continuing to practice Transfiguration there. How did you manage to succeed so quickly? Is there a trick to it?"

"If there's a trick, it's that you have to firmly believe you can do it—that's the most important thing—"

Before Wade could finish, Professor Flitwick had already entered the classroom.

Professor Filius Flitwick, the Charms professor and head of Ravenclaw House, was only about a meter tall, roughly the size of a three- or four-year-old child, but he had long white hair and a bushy white beard. 

To teach students who were all taller than him even when seated, Professor Flitwick had a thick stack of books arranged like steps on his desk, and he climbed to the top of them.

Some students couldn't help but giggle.

"Alright, alright, children," Professor Flitwick said, holding a short wand in his small hand. "Some of you might be wondering why such a little professor is teaching you."

Several students laughed at the professor's self-deprecating remark, and it seemed he didn't mind a bit of humor at his own expense.

"—Or you might be thinking, what could he possibly teach me?"

As he spoke, Professor Flitwick waved his wand, and a flock of small birds flew out from its tip, circling above the students' heads. Then, with another flick of his wand, two books grew long, bamboo-like arms and legs and floated in the air, dancing around the room.

The students all applauded, genuinely impressed. Although it had only been a brief two minutes, they had already taken a liking to the short professor. 

He wasn't timid like Quirrell, boring like Professor Binns, nor was he as intimidating as Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape. The Ravenclaws couldn't help but feel proud, thinking—our Head of House must be the best professor at Hogwarts!

"Thank you! Thank you for the applause," Professor Flitwick said in his high-pitched voice. 

"I believe that Charms is the most fun subject—after all, a wizard who can't perform charms can hardly be called a wizard. But before we begin, I must first take attendance and get to know my lovely students—"

Professor Flitwick began calling names from the roster, and everything went smoothly until—

"Harry Potter!"

Before Harry could respond, the professor let out a shriek and tumbled off the stack of books he was standing on.

The students were stunned, staring at each other in disbelief. Many turned to look at the black-haired boy. Harry Potter awkwardly raised his right hand and hesitantly said to the now-empty stack of books, "Here—Professor."

There was another small squeak from behind the books, and after a while, a disheveled Professor Flitwick finally climbed out, muttering, "Oh, of course—of course you're in my class—of course, I should have known—"

The elderly professor brushed his beard, cast a "Scourgify" spell on himself, and then looked at Harry Potter with excitement, saying, "It's very nice to see you, my boy."

Harry nodded and smiled shyly.

Wade wondered if Professor Flitwick saw a resemblance to someone else in Harry Potter, as he paused for a moment before continuing with the roll call.

The first Charms class naturally began with theory, and the students learned only the simplest spell, "Lumos"

This was a spell that most young wizards could master with just a bit of practice at home before starting school, so by the end of the class, everyone had successfully learned it. 

Professor Flitwick generously awarded nearly equal points to both houses. He didn't assign much homework, just three inches, which was essentially a review of the key points covered in class. 

If Wade was feeling a little lazy, he could probably just turn in his class notes, and that would be enough.


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