Chapter 25: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

Wade didn't ask any more questions. He first looked at the list of items.

Hogsmeade, being a small village, couldn't compare to Diagon Alley, which is the commercial hub of the wizarding world in Britain. 

There aren't many shops. But even though it's small, it has everything you need, and you can find almost every type of shop, such as clothing stores, quill shops, magical equipment stores, post offices, pubs, tea houses, and so on. 

Of course, the most popular among students is undoubtedly the candy store. There is a long list of various candies in the items list that surpasses the total number of all other categories combined.

Wade glanced at what the others wanted to buy and couldn't help but ask, "With so many items, can he carry all of them?"

"In the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric specifically mentioned—" Theo said with a smile, "He said—don't worry about whether my arms can carry everything; there's also the Levitation Charm! Other third-year students said they would help as well; they won't let Cedric do all the heavy lifting alone."

Michael sighed weakly while lying on the table, "Ah—why doesn't Ravenclaw have such enthusiastic seniors? They just look at you sideways and say—don't worry, you can go in two years

And then say—it's for your own safety! Not a single one of them offers to help us bring back some candy! Ah, another day of wanting to go to Hufflepuff!"

Theo and Ryan exchanged a look and smiled proudly.

Meanwhile, Hermione and Neville simultaneously thought of Gryffindor's prefect, Percy Weasley—

"I'm the prefect, you have to listen to me!" "Do you want to cause points to be deducted from the house?" 

"Don't think you can get away with anything; Filch will check everyone individually and won't let anyone sneak out! Of course, I'll also keep an eye on you troublemakers."

Or the two Weasley twins in the third year—

"Of course, no problem. Whoopee cushions or belch powder?—You have real ideas! You'll give Filch a surprise! Only fifteen Sickles!—I swear, it's only five Knuts more expensive than in Hogsmeade!"

However, before they could get the money, Percy discovered their purchasing activity. 

Most importantly, the twins' purchases were mostly prank products that would make Filch scream. As a result, the brothers were chased around the common room by their older brother.

Although Hermione and Neville had vastly different academic performances, in some ways they were both "outsiders" in Gryffindor. They swallowed their complaints about the Weasleys but envied the atmosphere in Hufflepuff.

Then Wade said with a laugh:

"Michael, don't just envy that Hufflepuff has a senior who is willing to take care of younger students—when we reach third year, would you be willing to help Ravenclaw's young witches and wizards with buying various candies?"

"What a joke!" Michael said without hesitation, "That would be such a hassle! I don't want to spend my rare weekend dealing with a task list!"

"Exactly—this is us being self-reliant Ravenclaws," Wade said flatly, choosing some items that others hadn't picked much, so they could exchange them later.

I just don't know if Cedric will be shocked by the long list of Theo and the others.


"Actually, I think you're a lot like Cedric," Theo said to Wade after their day of studying ended.

"Hmm?" Wade was still absorbed in the Full Body-Bind spell (Petrificus Totalus), having completely forgotten what everyone had talked about earlier.

Theo looked him in the eyes and said earnestly:

"Although it's never been said outright, the reason our SSC group has come together is entirely because of you, Wade—You always selflessly guide us in practicing spells and are willing to share your hard-earned notes with us. 

I've never seen another Ravenclaw do this."

Wade was a bit surprised and looked at Theo, unsure of how to respond.

"Michael and Hermione are so smart, and they only hang out with us because of you; as for me, Ryan, and Neville, we weren't particularly strong academically, and in some subjects, we were at the bottom. 

But thanks to your help, we've started to earn some points for the house recently. Professor Flitwick has praised us several times, and last time in Herbology, Neville even dared to raise his hand to speak. Professor Sprout gave him an extra point."

Theo concluded: "Wade, you're a Ravenclaw, but you're definitely not self-centered or indifferent. You've given us so much help—I just wanted to tell you that."

For a long time after Theo left, Wade felt a peculiar emotion filling his heart.

As he packed up and walked out of the umbrella room, he saw Claudia in the portrait taking a stroll in the grass. The young girl had a hint of sadness between her brows.

Watching the door of the umbrella room close, Wade muttered to himself, "How could it be solely because of me that everyone gathered? That guy Theo must have forgotten—this classroom was actually requested by him from Professor Sprout!"

Miss Claudia remained as silent as ever. She never spoke to students, nor did she visit other portraits like some do. She always stayed in this empty lawn. If it weren't for the occasional walking back and forth, it would be almost indistinguishable from a Muggle portrait.


Cedric indeed kept his word. He bought everything Wade and his friends wrote on the list, without charging a single Knut extra.

"Oh my gosh, I'm floating!" Hermione exclaimed. The brown-haired girl had just taken a sip of a magic drink, and she slowly began to float off the ground. Wade quickly reached out and grabbed her to stop her from flying too high and getting hurt.

After a while, when the magic from the beverage wore off, Hermione slowly descended back to the ground. She said, a bit huffily, "They should really put consumption warnings on the packaging!"

"Isn't it fun, Hermione?" Michael said.

Hermione shot him a red-faced glare. "But I am wearing a skirt!"

Michael was at a loss for words and looked down, saying, "You're right—I'm sorry."

"Watch this!" Theo shouted. "I'm going to try this black pepper candy!"

Everyone looked on eagerly.

Theo popped the candy into his mouth, chewed a few times, and then his expression suddenly changed. The next moment, he blew fire out of his nose!

Everyone burst into laughter.

Michael grabbed a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and handed them out to everyone, saying enthusiastically, "Come on, try these jelly beans! Let's see who gets the worst flavor!"

He popped one into his mouth first. "Not bad, it's carrot flavor."

Ryan tried one and grimaced, "Ugh—earwax flavor."

Wade asked curiously, "How do you know what earwax tastes like?"

Ryan hesitated, looked around, then casually turned to Theo, "Come on, it's your turn."

Theo ate one with a grin. "Mmm—melon flavor! Lucky me!"

Hermione tried one as well. "Beef flavor, not great, not terrible."

Neville eyed the yellow bean in his hand with trepidation, muttering, "It won't always be bad for me, will it?" 

He closed his eyes and swallowed, then stuck out his tongue and incoherently called out, "Water, water, water!"

"Did you get the sand flavor?" Michael handed him the water and asked curiously.

After downing a large glass of water, Neville, with tears in his eyes, said, "It was super hot chili pepper flavor."

Everyone turned to look at Wade.

Wade looked at the Every Flavour Beans with distaste. He had never tried this wizarding-world specialty before, especially since he had heard that Bertie Bott's Beans even have a vomit flavor—what kind of prankster mentality produces this?

But everyone was waiting for him, so after a moment of psychological preparation, Wade finally tossed a bean into his mouth.

"What flavor is it?" his friends asked with curiosity.

Wade sighed with relief and smiled. "It tastes like snow."


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