Chapter 48: Everyone Else Has One

After a while, the chatter in the Book of Friends gradually quieted down again. Wade guessed that they were probably busy creating new chat groups.

Among the Christmas gifts he had given, there was, of course, not just the one Book of Friends linked to himself. 

There were also blank parchments linked for two, three, four, and five people—one set for each. The professors had even added an extra bundle of parchments for ten people, making it a thick booklet, which could truly be called a "Book."

In Wade's vision, every Hogwarts student would eventually have their own Book of Friends. They would exchange parchments with their friends or family, forming all kinds of chat groups. 

Perhaps it wouldn't be long before Hogwarts added a new school rule: "No opening 'Book of Friends' during class, violators will have them confiscated!" 

Students might even start competing over the thickness and exclusivity of their Book of Friends, and some might even add blank parchments just to show off, pretending to be part of many chat groups.

However, Professor Murray had advised him not to sell the Book of Friends for now.

A promising "money-making" path had been cut off, and Wade sighed gloomily. He put away the Book of Friends and began opening his gifts for the year.

Most of the presents under the Christmas tree were from Fred's employees. Wade had spent much of his childhood wandering around the toy factory with his father. 

Being clever, well-behaved, and adorable, many of the older employees liked him a lot. 

Even though they hadn't seen him for most of the year, they still sent him gifts. These gifts included all sorts of popular toys, elegant pens and notebooks, children's books, and more.

A few gifts were from Wade's Muggle classmates from primary school. These were simpler—mostly candy, greeting cards, and small toys.

These were the types of gifts he received every year, and of course, Wade had sent out gifts of similar value in return ahead of time.

Then, there were the gifts from the wizarding world.

Unlike Wade, who had given everyone the same gift, the gifts he received from others were mostly books.

Professor Murray gave him a handwritten alchemy notebook, which Wade carefully set aside, planning to read it after dinner.

Professor Flitwick sent him a book called The Complete Book of Spells—a book that usually required a professor's permission to borrow from the Hogwarts library. Wade also planned to make time to finish it during the holidays.

Michael gifted Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them; Hermione gave him The Alchemist; Padma's gift was Gilderoy Lockhart's Wandering with Werewolves

Theo sent The Oldest Magical Plants in the World; Ryan gave The Beauty of the Starry Sky; and Neville's present was The Mysteries of Transfiguration.

It seemed that Wade's book-loving image was deeply ingrained in everyone's minds, as they all chose to give him books without exception.

It seemed like he would have a busy holiday ahead.



When Dumbledore got up in the morning, even the shoes beside his bed were buried under a pile of gifts.

He had been a professor at Hogwarts for almost a century, teaching countless students. Nearly 80% of the wizards across the British Isles had been his pupils.

Moreover, he is the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and widely regarded as the greatest wizard of his time and the greatest Headmaster in the history of Hogwarts.

Although Dumbledore himself didn't care much for these titles and accolades, it was clear that most people did. Wizards all over the world wanted to establish a good relationship with him.

So, every Christmas, Dumbledore received an overwhelming number of gifts—enough to nearly fill the Headmaster's Tower.

Thankfully, he was quite adept at using the Undetectable Extension Charm (Capacious Extremis).

For the entire week following Christmas, Dumbledore usually dedicated his time to unwrapping gifts.

It was an activity he greatly enjoyed.

Of course, it wasn't the material value of the gifts that interested Dumbledore. Rather, he saw them as a way to observe people's growth, desires, and sometimes even receive a few surprises—perhaps a curse, or a harmless prank.

Most people who don't know him well sent him books, both Muggle and wizarding ones. Dumbledore had read many of these before, but he still accepted them gladly.

Those who are more familiar with him knew that this old man is a hopeless sweet tooth. Their gifts usually consist of cakes, chocolates, Cockroach Clusters, or Fizzing Whizbees. 

Some would even hide lethal potions in the treats, which Dumbledore found to be an amusing challenge to identify.

And then there were others—people he didn't stay in touch with throughout the year—who still sent him gifts on this special day. Even if it was just a piece of paper, a leaf, or a pair of rather unattractive, sheep-smelling woolen socks, Dumbledore would treasure them deeply.

Just as Dumbledore was unwrapping a gift that was almost half his height, an owl suddenly flew in through the window, dropping a small package onto his lap.

Could it be that someone had just woken up and belatedly remembered to send me a gift?

Dumbledore thought about it for a moment, then set aside the large gift box and decided to open the small package first.

Inside, there was only a piece of parchment and a slender note:

[Dear Albus, 

This is the work of my student—Wade Grey! I am immensely proud to share my joy with you! 

Best wishes, 


Even someone as "all-knowing" as Dumbledore was left confused by this cryptic message. He looked at the parchment, front and back, confirming that apart from Murray's name, there was nothing else written on it.

Just as Dumbledore was about to use a spell to examine it, someone came to visit him.

Dumbledore went to the hallway, where Filius Flitwick was standing at the door, holding a similar piece of parchment. Beaming with excitement, he said:

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, this one is mine, keep it. I must say, I always knew he would do something remarkable, but I didn't expect it so soon! He's only been studying magic for three and a half months, hasn't he?"

"Wade Grey?" Dumbledore asked, testing the waters.

"Of course! Who else could it be?" Professor Flitwick hummed a tune as he walked off, his steps were light and cheerful.

Dumbledore glanced down. The parchment Flitwick had given him was also blank, save for Flitwick's name.

Next came Pomona Sprout.

"I thought about it, and aside from you, who else could I give this to?" The witch smiled warmly. "I'll be waiting for your response anytime."

Afterward, it was Minerva McGonagall's turn. She noticed that Dumbledore was already holding a small stack of parchments, which made her a bit displeased as she handed over hers. "Oh, I thought I'd be the first, but it turns out Pomona beat me to it!"

In fact, McGonagall had opened her other gifts first, and by the time she got to this one, it was already a bit late.

Finally, Severus Snape arrived. He handed Dumbledore a notebook directly.

"Hmph," the Potions Master said coldly with an indifferent expression. "I kept my own one. I don't need the others—useless communication only wastes my time."


So, everyone had one—except him, who still had no idea what it was.


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