Chapter 63: Family, Death Eaters, and the Alliance

"Wonderful, simply wonderful!" Michael couldn't help but give a thumbs-up. "I thought you'd just push back directly!"

Wade wasn't sure when he'd left such a Gryffindor-like impression on him.

"Slytherins are known for holding grudges; just look at Malfoy and Potter," Wade shrugged and casted a spell to muffle the sound in the compartment. He poured himself a glass of water and said, "I don't want to be harassed by them every day while at school."

Theo nodded. "You're right—Yaxley is a vindictive person. And unlike Malfoy's petty tricks, he likes to use underhanded methods, and even the professors haven't been able to catch him. Ryan, you really need to control your temper."

Ryan pursed his lips, neither agreeing or disagreeing, and then asked, "Wade, that Muggle thing... computer, can it really do all that?"

He was carefully recalling what Wade had just said, finally grasping a small part that he could barely understand.

"They can buy things from all over the world right from their homes?"

Wade laughed. "Actually, online shopping started about ten years ago, and it will only become more convenient in the future—but I'm not really an expert in this field."

Wade wasn't a computer expert; in his previous life, he was just a regular university student with a basic knowledge of C language programming, most of which he'd forgotten after his exams.

After reincarnating in this world, Wade, knowing the future of computer development, had considered delving into this technology, hoping to bring out things like Whatsapp, TikTok, shopping websites, and smartphones ahead of time. 

Maybe he could have become the world's richest person before the age of thirty. But just as he was beginning to study, he received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts…

Between being the world's richest person and learning magic, Wade hesitated for only 0.1 seconds before choosing the latter.

Michael said incredulously, "But you just sounded like you knew it all—"

"I was just repeating things I read in magazines—it sounds impressive, doesn't it?" 

Wade leaned against the compartment wall with a smile. 

"You guys don't understand, and Prewett and his lot certainly don't either. But I sounded so confident that they think I know a lot, and they can't even talk to me about it, so they have to stay away, otherwise they will feel very uncomfortable just by listening to me."

"Merlin!" Theo said with amazement. "I thought you were some kind of Muggle computer expert! I've watched their TV shows, and even their experts don't sound as—well, as incomprehensible as you."

For a moment, Theo even wondered if he was hearing English or if Muggles had invented a special language just for their computers.

— By the way, Wade mentioned something about this earlier... some kind of computer languages... C, C++, Java, Python…

Theo fell into deep thought.

— So Muggles really did that? Invented a machine... and then invented all sorts of complex languages just for that machine…

"I noticed you seemed a bit nervous earlier," Wade asked Michael. "Who were those people?"

"They're one of the more troublesome groups among the purebloods—the kind that would immediately side with the Dark Lord if he returned."

Michael explained: "Joram Prewett—you probably haven't paid much attention to him before—he's a sixth-year Ravenclaw student who loves hosting all sorts of parties in the common room. 

Even though he mostly studied on his own, he still managed to score Outstanding in his O.W.L.s for Defense Against the Dark Arts, but his real specialty is dark curses. He's narrow-minded; it's best not to mess with him if you can avoid it."

Ryan sighed, "I used to think—before I came to Hogwarts—that all Ravenclaws were just bookish nerds! Did you see how Prewett looked? He seemed eager to be Yaxley's lackey!"

"—Because Prewett isn't really a true Prewett," Theo recalled. 

"I think I heard someone mention that his great-great-grandmother married a half-blood wizard named Dion or Dick. Later, when the 'Pureblood Directory' was published, their family changed their surname to Prewett, one of the 'Sacred Twenty-Eight'."

"And then?" Wade asked curiously. "Did the Prewett family acknowledge them?"

"No, they never got the Prewett family's recognition. But the two Prewett brothers were killed in the war against the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. 

Prewett—I mean, Joram Prewett's father and uncle—are now high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic. They call themselves pureblood Prewetts, and no one really challenges them." 

Theo looked at the group's eager expressions as they listened to the gossip and laughed. "Actually, the ones with the closest blood relation to the Prewetts at school are the Weasleys in Gryffindor."

"Weasleys?" The group was surprised.

"Yes, Ron Weasley's mother was a Prewett, and the two brothers who died back then were her brothers," Theo explained.

"They're all dead?" Ryan asked.


"That's awful—I mean, the war. Thank goodness it's over."

Ryan silently expressed his gratitude to Harry Potter—though the boy hadn't shown any exceptional talent or strength, he truly saved the world, and that alone was enough.

Including Ryan's parents, many people are very grateful to and respectful of the Boy Who Lived.

"What about Yaxley and Fawley?" Wade asked.

"Yaxley—" Theo's face turned slightly pale. 

"His father, like Malfoy, once served the Dark Lord. After the Dark Lord disappeared, they all claimed they were under the influence of the Imperius Curse and used money to escape punishment. 

Unlike Malfoy, Yaxley's father still works at the Ministry of Magic and is rumored to be a cruel and cold-blooded person. I have no doubt—Yaxley must be skilled in using Dark Magic."

Michael was shocked. "Even if they were really under the Imperius Curse, they must have done plenty of bad things, right? And they're still allowed to hold positions in the Ministry?"

"Yes, that's exactly how it is," Theo said with a bitter smile. "Unbelievable, isn't it?"

Michael fell silent. The intelligent boy suddenly felt that the grand image of the Ministry of Magic in his mind was beginning to crumble.

"As for the Fawley family—" Theo continued, "They were once followers of Grindelwald. After he was defeated by Dumbledore, The Alliance vanished from sight, and the Fawley family became more low-key. 

But regardless, The Alliance was once even more terrifying than the Death Eaters, so be extra careful around him."

The compartment fell silent for a long while.

Michael and Ryan, both half-blood wizards, didn't know much about the wizarding world's families, factions, or past wars. 

Some things aren't recorded in A History of Magic. Wizards like them, born in a time of peace, often think of war as a story from textbooks, frustrating exam topics without realizing that the shadow of war's wings hovers among their classmates.

Thinking of Professor Quirrell, who had been possessed by Voldemort, and then about those classmates who might aspire to become Death Eaters, the young wizards couldn't help but sigh deeply, feeling a heavy weight on their hearts.

The rest of the journey was quite peaceful. Occasionally, a few students came by to see the "Inventor of the Book of Friends," but Wade quickly ended the conversations using the "concept of the internet" as his weapon, wrapping things up within minutes. 

By the time they were about to get off the train, no one came to talk to him about those headache-inducing topics anymore.

The train slowly pulled into Hogsmeade Station, and the students, now wearing their thick robes, stepped off. In the distance, lit by the glow of lights, Hogwarts was waiting for them.


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