For the third time that month, Raii Shin was being treated in a hospital.
When the nurses exited, Minus walked in quickly and was by her side in a flash.
''I'm fine already,'' she immediately said, anticipating his question. But her worn eyes, dry lips, and pale skin were clear signs that she wasn't.
''I already talked to Sir Tanori. I will be taking over your duty.'' Tonight was the start of the three-night monthly appearance of the full moon. Although her wage would be deducted, Minus decided he wouldn't tell her that. With him completing his recent first-class mission, he could at least provide for her wage just for this time in secret.
''I can go,'' she insisted and attempted to stand. Minus' reflexes pinned her down the bed.
''Just rest up,'' he said in a harsh way. He breathed hard. ''Please, just rest, Raii,'' he pleaded. His voice became soft.
''O-okay,'' she said.
Minus released her. ''Sorry, it's just that–''
''I know,'' Raii cut him off and smiled slightly. ''You're stressed.''
Minus rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. ''Kind of. This is the second time in a row that I hadn't been able to protect you.''
Raii tugged the sleeve of his suit. "Don't blame yourself. No one's blaming you."
Minus stared at her hand, forming his fists into balls. "The drink that was served at the party, I talked with the council and it was indeed us who prepared it. No one from JADE intervened. They were made from our own kitchens and were under high supervision."
"But what does that mean? How come there would be poison in it?"
"If I didn't, someone among us did, either it was by accident or planned. I have a strong feeling that someone hates our school so much that they would reach this kind of plan."
Raii Shin let that sink in. "You mean they planted a mole among you?"
Minus did not act surprised. "That's all I could think of. JEWELS has no cause to hate JADE. As a stand-alone school specializing in law, we have far more important things to achieve than bothering a...public university, no offense."
She knew he was about to say underperforming. She would not be offended either way. JADE was a far cry from JEWELS.
"Hey, don't overwork yourself," she said while she could still talk straight. Her tired eyes were getting the better of her.
Minus smiled. "Worry more about yourself so that you will come back stronger, Regina."
Arko was trembling as he held his phone close to his ear.
"Chancellor," he blurted as soon as his call was received.
"I went along with your plan. But five Scarlettes in one drink? That's beyond what we have talked about! What if someone died?"
"Oh, but no one did, right?"
"No one. Just students both from JADE and JEWELS flooding the hospitals of Jazel. Doctors almost declared an outbreak not until someone told them it was from a drink."
"A drink prepared by JEWELS," the chancellor said.
"In an occasion primarily organized and hosted by JADE," Arko emphasized.
"Boy, you worry too much."
Arko was offended but he kept his tongue. He had already said too many words. It was a miracle that he was still standing.
"Have you forgotten about your dreams? You were the one who approached me for this."
Arko gulped down his guilt.
"I understand, sir. Please forgive me. We will proceed as planned."
The chancellor ended the call.
Arko could just stand there from his condo, watching as ambulances run the street until morning.
Parents and students from JEWELS, JADE, and even JUST were rallying in front of the building of JEWELS.
Kamra Liss, being the SC Vice President of JEWELS and the one who headed the concoction of the drink, was troubled and stressed to her limits. Facing the council, she could only cry.
"I'm so sorry, I really don't know what happened," she sniffed hard. "But I promise you, I never intended for the poisoning to happen. Someone must have…"
And she burst into another breakdown again. She did not sleep all night as seen by the heavy bags under her eyes. Minus can see that she had been crying non-stop. He waved his hand.
"It's okay, Kamra. No one is blaming you for what happened. We just wanted a recount on what happened during the preparation so we can catch the ones responsible," Minus said as he stood and motioned for Kamra to sit.
She did well in rehearsing all the events from the beginning. And he was sure, the one who put something in the drink was not one of them.
The long wooden table where they were sitting around was carved with the image of the scales of justice. He could feel the eyes of the blindfolded woman staring right into him.
It was the sole existence of JEWELS. And he was determined to serve it in front of his council who are being blamed and are taking the fall, his school who is now currently being slandered by the media, and the victims of the poisoning, especially Raii.
"These three months that I have been absent, I thank you all for taking good care of the school. Now that I am here, it is my turn." He cracked his knuckles.
"Our School of Law is eager to help us. They have already reached out to me. If this is a hate crime, they have picked the wrong university. As we're speaking right now, our own investigators and friends in the legal department of the city are already working on our behalf. For the meantime, we will issue a notice notifying every student of JEWELS to fully cooperate, especially those who were involved in the production of the drink."
He then held a stack of papers in his hands.
"Our university president has also approved of our request to cancel classes until this has been sorted. However, we were only given one week. By hook or by crook, everything has to be settled by Friday."
Minus went on to discuss other steps and encouraged them not to lose heart. His council needed him so he asked for leeway from his moonmage duties from Sir Tanori to which he was granted, given how he was away for three months and he had not yet catched up to his studies as well.
A meteor is about to crash yet here he was dealing with a school drama.